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词汇 莫扎特
例句 In honour of the occasion, Mozart was to write a short piece of music.莫扎特要为这一盛会作一首短曲。Violin soloist Jessica Solano will perform Mozart's Concerto No. 4.小提琴独奏家杰茜卡·索拉诺将演奏莫扎特的《第四小提琴协奏曲》。The works of Haydn and Mozart belong to the classical period.海登跟莫扎特的作品均创作于欧洲古典音乐时期。Mozart's profoundly religious music莫扎特浸透宗教精神的音乐作品A string quartet was playing Mozart.一个弦乐四重奏乐团正在演奏莫扎特的乐曲。She prefers Mozart and Beethoven to modern composers.比起现代作曲家她更喜欢莫扎特和贝多芬。Mozart had a gift for music even when he was very young.莫扎特很小的时候就有音乐天赋。In many respects, Mozart had a typically neurotic personality.在很多方面,莫扎特是典型的神经质性格。Mozart was very precocious as both a performer and a composer.莫扎特是位早慧的演奏者和作曲者。Mozart's music seems so danceable, but most choreographers regard it as a minefield.莫扎特的乐曲似乎很适于跳舞,但大多数编舞家将其视作雷区。Mozart's genius earned him a place in the history books.莫扎特的天赋名垂青史。Mozart composed his first symphony when he was still a child.莫扎特还是小孩子的时候就创作了他的第一部交响曲。Mozart died before his time.莫扎特英年早逝。He argued that Mozart belongs to the end of the baroque and not to the early phase of romantic music.他认为莫扎特的作品属于巴罗克后期音乐,而非浪漫早期音乐。Mozart quickly became well known in court circles.莫扎特很快就在宫廷圈内广为人知。Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties.显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。Mozart towers over all other composers.莫扎特远远超过其他所有作曲家。Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?你喜欢莫扎特和马勒这样的古典音乐还是流行音乐?We played the music of Mozart at a slow tempo.我们以慢速演奏了莫扎特的乐曲。Phelps kicked off an outstanding night's music with a beautifully played Mozart Symphony.费尔普斯以一曲演奏得很动听的莫扎特交响乐开始了一个精彩的音乐之夜。He just can't compare with Mozart.他怎么也不能与莫扎特相比。I love Mozart's music. I find it very soothing.我喜欢莫扎特的乐曲,我觉得它令人心旷神怡。Her book is a useful contribution to our understanding of how Mozart worked.她的书对于我们了解莫扎特是如何工作的大有帮助。Mozart's compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.莫扎特的作品无疑位居世界上最伟大的作品之列。They held celebrations to mark the anniversary of Mozart's death.他们为莫扎特逝世举办周年纪念活动。I like playing Mozart and Beethoven.我喜欢演奏莫扎特和贝多芬的作品。The performance began with two of Mozart's early works.此次演出以两首莫扎特的早期作品开场。They sing Mozart Masses, Bach cantatas and works by Stravinsky.他们唱莫扎特的弥撒曲、巴赫的康塔塔以及斯特拉文斯基的作品。The orchestra will be playing Mozart tonight.管弦乐队今晚将演奏莫扎特的作品。The way Bill plays that piece would have Mozart turning in his grave.比尔把那首曲子演奏得令莫扎特在九泉之下都不得安宁。Many music-lovers make pilgrimages to Mozart's birthplace.很多爱好音乐的人去访问莫扎特的出生地。Mozart is remembered by a street named after him.为纪念莫扎特,一条街道以他的名字命名。Wednesday's Prom featured the London Mozart Players.周三音乐会为伦敦莫扎特音乐家乐团专场。Mozart's musical compositions include symphonies and operas.莫扎特的音乐创作包括交响乐和歌剧。The Mozart Ensemble is/are playing at Carnegie Hall tonight.莫扎特乐团今晚要在卡内基厅演出。He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart.他筹划了一场空前盛大的莫扎特作品演奏会。My piano teacher has a framed silhouette of Mozart on her wall.我的钢琴老师在她的墙上挂了一幅带画框的莫扎特侧影像。He has built up a splendid library of Mozart's music.他建了一个非常棒的莫扎特音乐作品收藏库。The concert began with a Mozart quartet.音乐会以莫扎特的一首四重奏曲开始。




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