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词汇 草地
例句 A barefoot kid was playing in the grass.一个光著脚板的孩子在草地里玩耍。The wind ripped through the trees and blasted a curtain of rain up the meadow.狂风横扫树木,裹挟着幕帘般的滂沱大雨掠过草地There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的,从干燥的草地到沼泽地,再到开阔的水面。The lion loped across the grass.狮子大步跳跃着跑过了草地Flocks of sheep are grazing in the meadow.一群群羊正在草地吃草。He hopes to repeat his success on the grass courts of Wimbledon.他希望在温布尔登草地网球场上重演胜利。The grass was a vibrant green.草地绿油油的。Water had reached the surface, greening the grass during a summer drought.水已经到了地表,正在让夏天干旱的草地焕发绿意。Some oil had seeped out, discolouring the grass.有些油渗了出来,把草地染了色。She borrowed a garden roller to roll the grass flat.她借了一台园圃滚压器来把草地轧平。Ahead of us the green seemed like an ocean.我们前方的草地宛如一片海洋。Mares and foals grazed amidst the grass.母马和马驹们在草地上吃草。The tennis player poor-mouthed that he was used to clay courts and expected to play miserably on the grass.那位网球运动员谦卑地说,自己习惯在土球场上打球,在草地球场上可能打不好。Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.和孩子讨论污染问题,强调清洁的街道、草地或公园有多么美丽。Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.人们割了大片草地的草,然后在上面播种。Sheep were nibbling the grass.绵羊啃食着草地A narrow band of grass separated the greenhouse from the vegetable garden.窄窄的一片草地把温室和菜地隔开了。The truck chewed up the grass.卡车把草地压坏了。The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture.奶牛现在被放出来了,在草地上吃草。He loved the smell of new-mown grass.他特别喜欢刚修剪过的草地的味道。The ball skimmed across the grass and stopped against the wall.球掠过草地,在墙边停了下来。The meadows are hardly visible from the house.从房子里几乎看不见草地There were no signs she'd been dragged across the grass.没有迹象表明她是被硬拖着穿过草地的。The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.一夜的雨淋透了草地Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai.草地野火烧焦了巴斯克亥农庄附近的土地。The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass.缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地Birds flitted across the grass.鸟儿掠过草地We are warning women not to go out on to the common alone.我们告诫女性不要独自去公共草地I walked home across the green.我穿过草地走回家。The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.脚下的草地凉爽宜人。Be careful you don't slip - the grass is damp.小心别滑倒—草地有些潮湿。Rain had turned the grass into a quagmire.大雨使草地变得一片泥泞。We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on.我们最后找到一小片草地可以坐下来。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.黑色浓烟从一块燃烧着的草地冒起,滚滚上升天际。The snake slithered through the grass.这条蛇蜿蜒爬过了草地A lazy stream winds through the meadow.一条缓慢流动的溪水蜿蜒曲折流经草地There was a path through the meadow to the village.有一条小径穿过草地通向村庄。They moved to a house overlooking the green.他们搬进了一所能俯瞰草地的房子。After a morning walk through the meadow, my shoes were completely soaked through.早晨散步穿过草地后,我的鞋子湿透了。




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