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词汇 英俊
例句 His handsome face and debonair manner made him very popular with the ladies.英俊的脸庞和翩翩的风度使他很受女士的欢迎。I saw this nice-looking man in a gray suit.我见到过这个身着灰色套装的英俊男士。He's very good-looking but not very bright.他外表很英俊,但并不是特别聪明。He had grown from a tall, gangly teenager to a handsome young man.他已从瘦长的少年成长为英俊的小伙。Tony fell into the clutches of an attractive American who introduced him to drugs.托尼落入了一个英俊的美国人的控制中,这个人引他走上了吸毒之路。He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是个英俊男子,透着点儿邪气。He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks.他希望通过努力工作而不是凭英俊的长相获得成功。Mr. Swift has a particularly fine head.斯威夫特先生的相貌尤其英俊He was so handsome - I couldn't take my eyes off him.他太英俊了——我无法将目光从他身上移开。I think he's very handsome, don't you?我认为他很英俊,你说是不是?He is a handsome young man with regular features.他是个五官端正的英俊青年。He's a very good-looking guy.他是个很英俊的小伙子。He was a handsome, debonair, death-defying racing-driver.他是一个英俊帅气、温文尔雅、敢于挑战死亡的赛车手。He was very young and handsome in a slightly effeminate way.他非常年轻英俊,稍带点阴柔气质。He's not exactly good-looking, but he has a certain attraction.他算不上英俊,但有着一种魅力。He's one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know.他是我所知道的最友善、最聪明的人之一,此外他还很英俊He is young and handsome and well-educated and all the rest of it.他年轻、英俊、受过良好教育,还有其他诸如此类的特点。She was attracted by his good looks.她被他英俊的外表所吸引。He was handsome and well-built, like a Hollywood movie star.英俊健壮,像个好莱坞影星。Lane was a handsome man with a luxuriant moustache.雷恩是个胡须浓密的英俊男子。I've never really found him attractive. 我从不觉得他长得英俊Quite consciously, I set my sights on the best-looking boy in the whole school.我相当刻意地一,心要追求全校最英俊的那个男孩。He was tall and fairly good-looking.他既高大又英俊She became tongue-tied when she looked at the handsome man sitting beside her.看到这位英俊男子坐在她的旁边,她都不会说话了。He was handsome and nicely dressed.他相貌英俊,衣着考究。He's a little on the plump side, but nevertheless quite handsome.他有点胖,但十分英俊I thought about meeting a handsome stranger but it seemed a bit of a long shot.我想象着能遇到一个英俊的陌生人,不过这似乎希望不大。His rugged good looks had girls flocking to his side.他的粗壮英俊面庞吸引了众多女孩。In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.他身穿簇新的制服,看上去英俊威严。Megan was tricked out of her life savings by a smooth-talking handsome man who had promised to marry her.梅甘被一名巧舌如簧、答应要娶她的英俊男子骗走了毕生积蓄。His handsome profile was turned away from us.英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。Nathan Bryce was the most handsome, fascinating, and ruthless man she had ever met.内森·布赖斯是她遇到的最英俊迷人而又无情的男人。He had boyish good looks.他长得年轻英俊He's kind, handsome, and wealthy to boot.他善良、英俊,还很富有。All the girls in the class are mooning over the handsome new teacher.班里所有女生都如痴如醉地欣赏着这位英俊的新老师。He trades on his good looks.他利用自己的英俊相貌来谋取便利。He's known for his good looks.他长得英俊是出了名的。He has his mother's brains and his father's good looks.他既有他母亲那样的头脑,又有他父亲那样英俊的外貌。Carmelina knew that the bird was really the handsome prince under a spell from the wicked witch.卡尔梅莉娜知道那只鸟其实是被那邪恶的女巫施了魔法的英俊王子。




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