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词汇 let
例句 I try not to let her make me upset.我尽量不生她的气。Corrinne let her mind wander back to the days when they first met.科琳的思绪回到他们初次相识的那个时候。If I hear of a job opening, I'll let you know.如果我得知有职位空缺,我会告诉你。Once he knew I wasn't a journalist, he dropped his guard and even let me take a photograph of him.当他知道我不是记者的时候,他立刻放松了警惕,甚至让我为他照相。I can let you know next Wednesday.下星期三我可以告诉你。When I was sent to prison, I really felt I had let my parents down.我入狱的时候真觉得对不起我的父母。He stepped aside and let her pass.他往旁边一挪,让她过去。Don't let it get you down.别让这件事坏了你的情绪。Hoffmann is the judge who let Pinochet off the hook.霍夫曼就是那位放过了皮诺切特的法官。So, let's get down to business.那么,让我们言归正传吧。Neil spent the entire evening moaning about his job - he just wouldn't let up.尼尔一整晚都在抱怨他的工作——说起来没完没了。Okay, men, let's go out there and win!好吧,伙计,咱们现在就出发,去打败他们!Don't let him emotionally blackmail you.不要让他在情感上胁迫你。It's hard enough just keeping my balance on ice, let alone actually skating on it.要我在冰上站稳就已经够费力的了,更别说在上面溜冰了。The policeman let the driver off with a caution.警察向司机提出警告后就让他走了。The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey.要使她摆脱毒品,最快的方法是让她彻底戒毒。Since it is so hot, let's go swimming.既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order.我向你保证,我将动用一切必要力量来恢复秩序。Don't let anger override common sense.别让愤怒凌驾于常理之上。We've come to this country, let's explore!我们已经来到这个国家,让我们好好探访一番吧!Thankfully, I've learned to switch off and let it go over my head.幸好我已学会了看开些,随它去吧。Don't let your attention wander.思想不要开小差。This time, Radford did not let her chance slip away.这次雷德福没有错过机会。He was let in on the arrangements without our consent.我们还没同意,就让他参与了种种安排。He tried to crash the party but they wouldn't let him in.他试图混入派对,但他们没让他进去。Sorry, I should have phoned to let you know I'd be late.请原谅,我应该打个电话告诉你我会晚些到。Follow that car and don't let it get away from you.跟上那辆车,别让它跑了。I will let you know as soon as possible.我会尽快告诉你。The photographers drew back to let us view the body.摄影师往后退开,好让我们查看尸体。Jane says I'm good at cooking, but I'll let you be the judge of that!简说我很会做菜,可我想还是让你自己来评判吧。Keep a stiff upper lip, play the game, and don't let the side down.坚定沉着,用心比赛,不要让我们失望。Never let it be said that the manager doesn't know how to motivate his players.永远不要成为别人口中那个不知如何激励自己队员的主教练。The skirt is too tight and needs to be let out a little.这条裙子太紧了,需要加宽些。It was tough, but we managed not to let the secret out.尽管很难,我们还是守在了秘密。His mind never let up for an instant.他思想上一刻也没有放松过。Okay. Now, let's talk some business.好了,我们现在言归正传吧。Hey, brother, let me give you a hand.嘿,伙计,让我帮你一把吧。I'll let him know if anything comes up.如有什么事,我会告诉他的。Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford.不要因为可以赊购,就买超过自己支付能力的东西。She let out a piercing scream.她发出了一声刺耳的尖叫。




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