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词汇 let go
例句 He really lets go when he's out partying with his friends.他和朋友外出聚会的时候,真正是无拘无束。She couldn't let go of her resentment over the divorce.她因离婚而产生的怨恨无法淡忘。The garden has been let go a bit.花园有些荒芜了。Peterson was let go after less than two years.不到两年彼得森就被解雇了。He let go a scream of joy as his emotions overflowed.他抑制不住自己的情绪,高兴地欢呼起来。When a child grows up and moves away from home, it can be hard for parents to let go. 当孩子长大成人从家里搬出去后,就此放手对家长来说不容易。The soldiers let go a number of shots.士兵们射出多发子弹。Reluctantly, he let go her arm.他不情愿地松开了她的胳膊。She had me by the arm and wouldn't let go.她抓住我的胳膊不放。The hunter let go an arrow at the hare.猎人对野兔射出一箭。Some of the faculty were let go for lack of students.由于生源不足就让一些教职员离职了。They let the prisoner go. = The prisoner was let go.他们释放了那个囚犯。He latched onto her arm and wouldn't let go.他揪着她的胳膊不放。My child hung on to my apron, and would not let go.我的孩子紧紧拉住我的围裙不放。Sometimes you just have to learn to let go.有时候你就得学会放手。He got me around/by the neck and wouldn't let go.他抓住我的脖子不放手。He let go without warning me and I fell backwards.他没说一声就松了手,害得我仰天摔了一跤。She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't let go.她像小孩一样紧紧攥住那些照片,不肯放手。He locked his fingers around her wrist and refused to let go.他紧紧抓住她的手腕,不肯松开。The old water pipe suddenly let go.旧水管突然破裂了。The dog locked its jaws on her leg and wouldn't let go.那条狗紧紧咬住她的腿不放。She refused to let go of her bag and kicked her attackers several times.她抓住包不松手,还踢了袭击她的人几脚。He let go and fell away, his hands covering his face.他手一松,倒了下去,双手紧捂住脸。He let go and watched the balloon float high above the trees.他放了气球,看着它高高地飘到树上面。She grabbed my hand and refused to let go.她抓住我的手不放。He managed to grasp the bag almost as I let go.差不多在我撒手的同时,他把袋子抓住了。John was let go after it was discovered that he stole some files.约翰在偷窃文件一事败露后就被解雇了。The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.工作应以协助父母放松对子女的管教为重点。It was not easy to persuade the monarchy to let go of its monopoly of power.很难说服君主放弃对权力的垄断。He let go of my arm.他放开了我的手臂。At the end of the fair, the school let go of hundreds of balloons.游园会结束之时,学校里放飞了几百个气球。The moment I let go of the dog, she's off like a shot.我一放开那只狗,它就飞快地跑掉了。When I let go of her hand, it dropped like a stone.我放开了她的手,那只手有气无力地垂落下来。The little boy grabbed onto his mother's leg and wouldn't let go.小男孩抱住妈妈的腿,不让她走。They promise to let go of most of the territories they have occupied.他们答应放弃他们所占领的大部分领土。Hold onto the rope and don't let go.紧紧抓住那条绳子别松手。She wouldn't let go of the letter.她不肯放下那封信。You must let go of the idea that to be single is to be unhappy and unfulfilled.你必须抛掉单身就会不快乐和有缺憾这种想法。She finds it hard to let go of a grudge.她发现很难放下过去的怨恨。She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink.她放开莫娜的手,抿了一口饮料。




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