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词汇 自负
例句 He is determined to prick any outsize egos.他下定决心要完全摒弃过分的自负心态。He was a pompous ass.他是个自负的傻瓜。You should be careful before you do anything rash. Remember, you'll have to live with yourself afterwards.你应该想清楚,不要草率行事。要记住,一切后果都要自负On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.在台上她显得强硬、自负且毫不妥协。He was vain and bombastic.自负虚荣,大话连篇。She is a pretty grand piece of work.她是一个极为自负的人。And nothing was so irritating as the confident way he used archaic idiom.再没有什么比他使用古词古语时那自负的样子更令人讨厌的了。It may even be presumptuous to think it can be cured.认为这个能治,那甚至可以说是自负了。Milligan had a pompous, overbearing father.米利根有个自负、专横的父亲。His swaggering self-confidence irritates many people.他趾高气扬的自负神态激怒了很多人。You can confide in your own abilities without being conceited.你可以自信有能力而不引以自负There was a pomposity about him, but at least he was polite.他有点自负,但至少还是有礼貌的。I could have given you some hints, but I suppose you thought yourself too grand.我本可以给你点提示的,但是我认为你太自负了。As drivers, teenage boys are often overconfident and take stupid risks.十几岁的男孩子开车常常会太自负,去冒愚蠢的危险。After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit.攻进致胜一球后,他带着满足而自负的神情几乎沿着马路跳舞。His personal vanity was equalled only by his fear of failure.只有他对失败的恐惧才与他的自负不相上下。Others have called him arrogant, for flaunting his millionaire lifestyle.他喜欢摆阔,别人都说他自负He thinks she's vain and superficial. 他认为她自负浅薄。You're the most conceited, selfish person I've ever known.你是我认识的人当中最自负、最自私的一个。He's that conceited, you've no idea.你不知道他有多自负He was not vain, but he was quietly proud of his achievements.他并不自负,但暗地里却为自己取得的成就感到自豪。His colleagues dislike him because of his excessive grandness.由于他过度地自负,同僚们不喜欢他。He hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius.他憎恶自负的作派,而且不喜欢被称为天才。Jones was once described by a friend as being as proud as Lucifer.琼斯曾被一位朋友形容为相当自负He is known for having a good conceit of himself, as they say.据他们说,他的自负是出了名的。They both have enormous egos and tremendous ambition.他俩都非常自负并有极大的野心。She had the arrogance to believe the law did not apply to her.她竟自负得认为法律对她不适用。His confidence bordered on arrogance.他的自信近乎自负His conceit is intolerable.他的自负令人不能容忍。His conceit has earned him many enemies.他因自负而树敌众多。Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。He's very conceited but he's just a lightweight in politics.他很自负但是在政治中他没有任何影响力。His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit.他脸上显出一副极端自负的样子。Answering questions in class was seen as a sign of big-headedness.在课堂上回答问题被看作是自负的标志。That man has such an enormous ego - I've never known anyone so full of themselves!那个人自负得要命——我从来没有见过这么自以为是的人。They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism.他们试图在自负与过分悲观之间选择一条中间路线。Edson quite frankly loathed the conceited little pup.埃德森毫不掩饰对这个自负的年轻人的厌恶。He said this with a pomposity that didn't suit such a young man.他说这话时带着一种年轻人不应有的自负She described her accomplishments without exaggeration or vanity.她描述自己的成就时没有丝毫的夸大和自负All personal belongings are left at the owner's risk.所有私人物品,一旦丢失,责任自负




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