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词汇 脱衣舞
例句 Oscar, much the worse for vodka, did a striptease.奥斯卡喝了伏特加后醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞She made money stripping in bars.她在酒吧表演脱衣舞挣钱。Entertainment is laid on too, in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays.娱乐节目也安排好了,星期三表演易装秀,星期日是脱衣舞They arranged a strippergram for Lauren's leaving party.他们为劳伦的告别聚会安排了脱衣舞送信。Should anyone attack the stripper, the punters know that it is likely to be the end of the show.如果有人侵犯脱衣舞表演者,客人们就知道表演可能要结束了。The city is notorious for its red-light district and strip clubs.这个城市因其红灯区和脱衣舞夜总会而臭名昭著。She wasn't willing to strip for such a small audience.她不愿给这么少的一批观众表演脱衣舞She worked in a strip joint before she became a model.她当模特之前曾在一家脱衣舞酒吧工作。He performed a simulated striptease.他模仿了一段脱衣舞表演。




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