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词汇 criminals
例句 Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.根据普遍管辖权规定,无论战犯嫌疑人身处何地,都可以对其进行起诉。Do you believe that sentences for criminals are tough enough at present?.你认为当前对罪犯的判决足够严厉吗?A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。Because he refused to play ball with these criminals, he was shot and seriously wounded.因为拒绝与这些犯罪分子同流合污,他遭到枪击,身受重伤。I told him to pass the information to the police so they could catch the criminals.我告诉他把情报传给警方以便他们能抓住罪犯。Tourists are often easy prey for criminals.游客常常是不法分子下手的目标。When criminals are sentenced to prison, they should serve their sentence in full.如果罪犯被判入狱,则应服满刑期。Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year.科恩称,冒充销售员的罪犯每年从美国人手中骗走了数十亿美元。Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.死刑的支持者认为它能阻吓罪犯携带枪支。The criminals have so far managed to evade the police.迄今为止,那些罪犯都设法避开了警方的追捕。Bands of government soldiers, rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods.成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡。No one knows more about crime than the criminals themselves.没人能比罪犯自己更了解犯罪了。The criminals were put to death.这些罪犯被处死。The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.被捕的罪犯们曾带着镣铐游街示众。The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.抓获的罪犯带着镣铐列队游街示众。The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals.大屠杀的参与者必须作为战犯绳之以法。The criminals were plotting to rob the bank.犯罪分子正密谋抢劫银行。She described it as the work of depraved and evil criminals.她认为那是堕落邪恶的罪犯所为。The police has lost track of the criminals.警方已失去追踪罪犯的线索。The telephone wires have been ripped away by the criminals.电话线已被罪犯扯掉了。He has been associating with known criminals.他一直和一些尽人皆知的罪犯有来往。Many organized criminals look on their illicit activities as business.很多有组织的犯罪分子把自己的违法活动看作正业。Many of the country's toughest criminals are held in this prison.这个国家最凶残的罪犯有许多都关在这座监狱里。His association with such criminals can only destroy him.与这样的罪犯为伍只会毁了他。Some criminals are more deserving of their punishment than others.一些罪犯比起别的罪犯更应该受到惩罚。These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.这些罪案大都是由以犯罪为生的职业罪犯制造的。Many Jewish people feel aggrieved that so few war criminals were brought to justice.受到法律制裁的战犯如此之少,很多犹太人感到愤愤不平。Don't treat those young criminals with kid gloves.不要对那些年轻的犯罪分子心慈手软。The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the house.警察正在向躲在房子里的罪犯进逼。The investigation had aimed at a loosely organised group of criminals.调查针对一个组织松散的犯罪团伙展开。The cameras will deter potential criminals. Moreover, they will help police a great deal when a crime actually is committed.这些摄像头可以威慑住潜在的罪犯。此外,当犯罪真正发生时,它们还将大大有助于警方破案。He was accused of conspiring with some criminals.他被指控与一些罪犯勾结在一起。Hardened criminals should not be given bail.惯犯不应交保释放。It is the job of the police to get after criminals.追捕罪犯是警察的职责。He blames defence lawyers for allowing dangerous criminals back into society.他指责辩护律师纵容危险的罪犯重返社会。The police chief promised tougher action against young criminals.警长保证要对少年犯采取更强硬的措施。The jail houses a menagerie of criminals.监狱是各种罪犯集中的地方。Prison does not rehabilitate most criminals.监狱没有使大多数罪犯得到彻底改造。We should try to reform criminals rather than punish them.我们应该尽力改造罪犯,而不是惩罚他们。The criminals held up the train.罪犯拦截了火车。




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