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West Berlin has long been notorious for its street violence.西柏林一直以来因街头暴力而恶名远播。He's got a bad reputation, and it's true, more's the pity.他名声不好,更加糟糕的是,其恶名与恶行相符。Do you realize, woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?He has a terrible reputation as a Casanova.他有浪荡公子的恶名。He gained notoriety for his ferocious quelling of the insurrection.他因残忍镇压叛乱而得了恶名。The area got a bad name after a series of nasty murders.这个地区因一系列恶性谋杀案而留下恶名。He has a very bad reputation to live down.他想使自己的恶名被人遗忘。He gained the character of a miser.他得了守财奴的恶名。Several aircraft and ships have vanished without trace in the notorious Bermuda Triangle.几架飞机和几艘轮船在恶名远扬的百慕大三角消失得无影无踪。He was notoriously indiscreet in his criticism of others.他在批评别人时信口开河,因此恶名远扬。You can't brand all football supporters as hooligans.你不能给所有的足球迷都加上流氓的恶名。They may be remembered as the wreckers of a fine company.他们也许会因为搞垮一家好公司而留下恶名。Despite the change in his disposition, his reputation for meanness proved more adhesive than he deserved.尽管他性情有了改变,吝啬的恶名却久久摆脱不了。She had an undeserved reputation for rudeness.她有一个不该得的粗鲁的恶名。Cleveland has always had a reputation for being a dirty, ugly, boring city, though now they say it is much better.克利夫兰一直因其环境脏乱、市容丑陋、沉闷无趣而恶名在外,尽管据说现在好多了。The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.酗酒的恶名令其很难治愈。He is fast getting a reputation as a young punk.他很快就得了个小阿飞的恶名。His noisome reputation for corruption had already begun to spread.他贪污的恶名已经四处传播开了。His adventure brought him both fame and notoriety.他的冒险行动既为他赢得了声誉也给他带来了恶名。He had shot three people dead earning himself a reputation as a tough guy.他因枪杀三人得到了暴徒的恶名。 |