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例句 He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow.他做到了不可能做到的事,既让伦敦城满意,又增加了企业的现金流量。Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.选民们对不履行竞选承诺的总统能做到极其宽容。It took a great deal of courage to admit that all her efforts had been in vain.她承认自己的努力都白费了,这是需要极大勇气才能做到的。As visitors, the least we can do is be civil to the people in their own land.作为来访者,我们最起码能做到的就是对当地人要彬彬有礼。His unyielding attitude was that since he had done it, so could everyone.他的态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到Way to go! I wish I could do that!太棒了!真希望我也能做到It was important that they secure a large and widespread audience. They failed on both counts.赢得数量多、分布面广的观众对他们来说很重要,但他们这两点都没能做到I had an idea how to proceed, but I wasn't confident that I could do it.我对如何继续进行略知一二,但没把握我能做到As all film stars know, it's almost impossible to get out of a car gracefully.所有电影明星都知道,几乎不可能做到很优雅地下车。It just goes to show what you can do when you really try.这恰恰证明,若真正用心就能做到We can accomplish whatever you can accomplish, and with better results.你们能做到的事情,我们也能做到,而且会做得更好。The Gore-tex fabric manages to be completely waterproof, and yet allows body moisture to escape.戈尔特斯物料能做到完全防水,但仍可以排出人体湿气。How can they square what they've done with what they've said?他们如何能做到言行一致呢?He talks big, but can he deliver the goods?他好夸海口,但到底能不能做到?What a book can do, and what this one will try to accomplish, is to present examples of how life can be made more enjoyable.一本书能做到的,也是本书努力实现的,就是列举一些例子说明如何让生活变得更加愉快。If anyone can do it, he can. He's a battler and has a strong character.只要有人能做到这一点,他就能做到。他是一位斗士,个性坚毅。It was remarkable what you could accomplish with audacity.大胆去做的话你能做到的事情是惊人的。I'm very good at disciplining myself.能做到严格自律。No government so far has been able to balance the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work.至今还没有一届政府能做到使空缺职位的数量正好与失业人数达至平衡。We need to win the next three games. It's a big ask, but I'm confident we can do it.我们接下来三场比赛都要赢,这是个很高的要求,但我相信我们能做到He failed to rule his people justly.他没能做到公正治民。If he can't, nobody can. It was a disquieting thought.如果他做不到,就没人能做到。这是一个令人不安的想法。He has the ability to bring out the best in others.能做到扬人之长。She tried to stay awake but it was a losing battle.她努力保持清醒,但却没能做到No one can achieve the impossible.这是不可能的事,没人能做到However much it hurt, he could do it.无论有多痛,他都能做到Chairman or no, if I want to stop the project, I can.不管我是不是主席,只要我想停止这个项目,我就能做到The book failed to reach its intended audience.这本书未能做到与目标读者沟通。His unyielding attitude on this subject was that since he had done it, so could everyone.在这件事上他态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到Removal of the brake pads is a simple operation which can be done with a few basic tools.拆除刹车板很简单,有几件基本工具就能做到Margaret wanted to live independently, but would she ever manage it?玛格丽特想独立生活,但她能做到吗?Most quality newspapers aim at objectivity, but few achieve it.多数大报都力求客观,但真正能做到的却是凤毛麟角。Scientists can be expected to be impartial and disinterested.人们会认为科学家能做到公正客观。You should be able to do it by yourself/on your own.你自己应该能做到




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