例句 |
I sometimes wonder what TV show he cribbed that line from.我有时候在想,他是从哪个电视节目中学到那句话的。Many people were cribbed in a narrow space.许多人被关在一个狭小的空间。He cribbed during the math test.他在数学考试时作弊。It shamelessly cribbed language from a competitor's book and republished it for profit.它寡廉鲜耻地剽窃了竞争对手书里的语言,然后重新出版获利。She cribbed the answers from her friend's exercise book.她从她朋友的练习本中抄袭答案。She cribbed a line or two from her favorite poet.她从自己最喜欢的诗人的作品中抄了一两句。 |