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When my father died we discovered that he was heavily in debt.父亲死后,我们发现他负债累累。The company is saddled with an enormous amount of debt.公司负债累累。On account of his extravagance he was plunged into heavy debt.由于挥霍浪费,他负债累累。The company went deep into debt to finance the development of the engine.公司为投资引擎开发负债累累。I've got to lay low on account of my heavy debt.我负债累累得躲避一下。He is so deep in debt and desperate for money that he's apparently willing to say anything.他负债累累,急需要钱,很显然什么话都说得出来。He was deep in debt and facing forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的窘境。Karen was forced to give up her job to look after her daughter, and the family is now heavily in debt.为了照顾女儿,卡伦不得不放弃工作,现在他们家已是负债累累。Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.他们的许多重工业企业都负债累累。His brother was immersed in debts.他兄弟负债累累。He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.他负债累累,走投无路。The government had also incurred huge debts.政府也已负债累累。He was burdened with crippling debts.他负债累累,深受其苦。He was up to his neck in debts then.他当时负债累累。These measures won't help those students who are already knee-deep in debt.这些措施对那些已经负债累累的学生不会有帮助。The company is heavily indebted.这家公司负债累累。Debbie, a compulsive spender and debtor, recalls how her money addictions developed.黛比是个购物狂,负债累累,她回忆了自己是怎样一步步花钱上瘾的。He was heavily in debt by the time he sought advice.他寻求建议时已经负债累累。The government has lent millions of pounds to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.政府无视当地的金融法规,已向负债累累的银行出借了数百万英镑。The government had incurred huge debts.政府已经负债累累。Being in debt has been a source of strain on our marriage.负债累累是我们夫妻关系紧张的一个原因。He was already deeply in debt through gambling losses.他原就已经因为赌博输钱负债累累了。Sandy has debts up the ying yang.桑迪负债累累。The company is loaded down with debt. 这家公司负债累累。The country is drowning in debt.这个国家负债累累。Being deeply in debt has been a strain on our marriage.负债累累给我们的婚姻带来巨大压力。I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.我成天和那些负债累累、无力偿还的顾客们打交道。He lent him several thousand dollars to help rescue his bankrupt textile business.他借给他几千美元,帮助他挽救他那负债累累的纺织厂。The company was drowning/awash in red ink. 公司负债累累。The company was saddled with a huge debt last year.公司去年负债累累。Companies saddled with high debt have become inviting targets for cash-rich competitors.负债累累的公司成为了现金充足的竞争者的好目标。The business was far gone in debt.这家公司负债累累。His careless spending put him in/into debt.他花钱大手大脚,使自己负债累累。There were heavy debts. It would take half Edward's lifetime to work them off.爱德华负债累累,他要工作半辈子才能偿清。He found himself embarrassed with debts.他发现自己负债累累。 |