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词汇 crescendo
例句 There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism.来自议会和新闻界的批评越来越多。The crescendo of noise was continuous.噪音越来越大,响个不停。The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked.掌声雷动,照相机也咔嚓咔嚓拍个不停。The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.最后的和音将组曲推向了高潮。The excitement reaches its crescendo when he comes on stage.他走上台时,观众的兴奋程度达到了极点。The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked.掌声渐入高潮,照相机咔咔作响。His discriminatory remarks on gender equality drew a crescendo of criticism from the press.他的反对性别平等的言论引来媒体越来越多的评论。The noise rose to a crescendo.噪声逐渐增大到了顶点。The ovation rose in a new crescendo.新一轮欢呼声一浪高过一浪。The gale reached its crescendo in the evening.傍晚时大风刮到最强程度。The egomania rose to a crescendo.利己狂达到了无以复加的地步。The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.组曲的最后和音部分渐入高潮。The crowd's cheers slowly grew into a loud crescendo of noise.人群的喝彩声逐渐演变成了震耳欲聋的喧闹声。And now the story reaches a crescendo.现在故事达到了高潮。Her voice reached a crescendo when she sang the last aria in Madame Butterfly.在「蝴蝶夫人」的最后唱段中,她的声音达到了最高点。The music reached a deafening crescendo.音乐渐渐变强,震耳欲聋。




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