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词汇 covers
例句 He threw off the covers and rose to begin the day.他掀开毯子起床,开始新的一天。His reading covers a wide range of subjects.他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。Before your trip, check if your insurance covers you abroad.旅行前,核实一下保险范围是否涵盖国外。Stretch the canvas so that it covers the whole frame.把帆布拉紧,让它盖住整个画框。I'll use this material to renew the chair covers.我要用这块布料做新的椅子罩来换掉旧的。Each teacher will run a different workshop that covers a specific area of the language.每位老师都会单独主持一个研讨会,讨论语言的一个特定领域。She put plastic covers on all the furniture.她把所有家具都用塑料罩盖上。This chapter covers money and banking.本章涉及货币与银行业务内容。Her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world.她的面孔出现在全世界各种杂志的封面上,使之赫然生辉。She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep.她把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。Her writing covers a wide array of topics.她的作品涵盖的主题十分广泛。Vagina tendinis is a type of membrane that covers a tendon, especially one in the hand or foot.腱鞘是一种包裹腱,特别是在手足处。The building is nine stories high and covers three city blocks.这幢大楼有九层楼高,占三个街区。The new hard covers match the jaunty look of the original series.新的精装本跟原来丛书的整洁外观非常匹配。Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders, ties and fringing.用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的被套和窗帘。The white seat covers showed up every speck of dirt.白色的座套使每一处污迹都显露无遗。All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals.火车上的所有椅套全被破坏公物者故意撕破了。He pulled the covers over his head and tried to get back to sleep.他用被子蒙住头,试图接着睡。Make sure that all sharp implements have covers.必须确保所有的锋利器具都有护套。Her face has graced the covers of countless magazines.她的脸庞为无数的杂志封面增色。The policy covers the traveler in any accident.旅客发生任何事故,这张保单都予以赔付。Cut back the covers of the neutral and live wires about one inch.将带电和不带电的电线头上的包皮割去约一英寸。He pulled off the covers of the bed.他拆下了床罩。The magazine covers topics as diverse as chemistry and sculpture.这份杂志涉及诸如化学与雕塑这样迥然不同的各类题材。The boss covers all the bases when he sets up a job.老板安排工作时方方面面都会考虑到。The grant covers the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks.助学金够付学费和课本费。The patent covers both kinds of devices/systems.这项专利对两种装置/系统都适用。The city covers an area of 15 square kilometers.该城市的面积为十五平方公里。My insurance plan covers one complete physical per year.我的保险计划包括一年一次的全身检查。The ban only covers tropical hardwood.禁令只针对热带硬木。St Anne's Wood isn't very big - it only covers a few miles.圣安妮森林不是很大,只占地几英里。We spread dust covers over the furniture while the builders were working.建筑工人工作时,我们用防尘罩把家具盖上。Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.记者艾伦·尼恩负责在中美洲采访报道,定期向《纽约客》杂志投稿。The essay covers familiar ground/territory.这篇论文涉及人们熟知的领域。The collection covers all phases of Picasso's career.这一收藏涵盖了毕加索艺术生涯的所有阶段。Within the brief compass of a single page, the author covers most of the major points.在短短一页的篇幅中,作者涵盖了大部分要点。The programme covers all aspects of health and safety at work.该方案包括了工作期间健康及安全问题的各个方面。A fine layer of dust covers everything.所有的东西都盖了一层薄薄的灰尘。He snuggled back under the covers.他重又舒服地躺进被窝里。The policy covers water damage.这份保单保水渍损害险。




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