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She applied for a government/administrative post.她申请了一份政府/行政职务。The matter is outside the jurisdiction of UK administrative agencies.此事不在英国行政机构的管辖范围内。He announced, to left-wing cheers, his administrative policies.在左翼人士的一片喝彩声中,他宣布了他的施政方针。He was too unwell to carry out his administrative duties.他身体很不好,无法履行自己的管理职责。All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.军事和政府职位全由国王任命。He works as an administrative assistant in a financial services organization. 他在一家金融服务机构做行政助理。She is our executive/administrative secretary. 她是我们的行政秘书。She has an administrative job.她做行政工作。The complex administrative arrangements mean that the decision-making process remains somewhat opaque.复杂的行政安排意味着决策过程依然有些不透明。He has a reputation for administrative wizardry in industry.他以工业管理上的杰出才能闻名。This is an administrative dog's breakfast.这是管理层在瞎胡搅。Promising researchers are allowed to take time off teaching and administrative duties.有作为的研究人员获准减少教学和行政工作的时间。The government overspend on administrative costs hit record levels.政府的行政超支创下了新高。She has a variety of administrative duties.她有多个行政职务。The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。Due to some administrative mix-up the letters had not been sent out.由于行政工作中忙乱出错,那些信没有寄出。We are studying the administrative machinery of our government.我们在研究我们政府的行政组织。He works in an administrative position.他担任一项行政工作。The system is based on administrative convenience rather than public benefit.这一体制是基于管理上的方便,而非公众的利益。We're trying to ratchet down the administrative costs.我们正在想法控制管理成本。We have transferred all of the administrative responsibilities to our central office.我们已经把所有的行政职责移交给了中心办事处。Adams is clearly unfit to hold an administrative post.亚当斯显然无能力担任行政职务。Since the administrative side of the business has been rationalized, all departments have become more efficient.自从企业的管理方面进行了合理化改革之后,所有部门的效率都提高了。Due to an administrative oversight, several members of staff did not receive pay checks this month.由于管理上的失察,有几位员工本月没有收到工资支票。Senior officers – i.e. anyone with the rank of colonel or above – get their own administrative staff.高级军官,亦即有上校或上校以上军衔者,有他们自己的行政人员。Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.西班牙自由主义者寻求语言及行政上的统一。This was just an administrative cock-up.这纯粹是管理上的混乱。In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。He is among the few aspirants with administrative experience.他是为数不多的几个具有管理经验且志向远大的人之一。A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.雇了一个秘书来减轻她一些行政工作的负担。Officials were accused of making a huge administrative blunder.官员被指责管理严重失误。The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus.税收需要大规模的行政机构。Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.其他行业只得精简管理人员以减少行政开支。The statistics are collected purely for administrative purposes.这些数据纯粹是为行政用途而收集的。He's the administrative type.他是管理型的人。The area was dissolved into smaller administrative units.该地区被分成了几个更小的行政单位。The office provides administrative support to the Vice Chancellor.办公室为常务校长提供行政支持。She started as an administrative assistant and worked her way to the top.她从行政助理做起,一直做到最高层。They had to deal with yet another administrative foul-up.他们不得不处理另一个管理上的混乱状况。The job is mainly administrative.这项工作主要是行政性的。 |