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词汇 administrators
例句 The business needs a new core of trained administrators.这家企业需要一批新的受过训练的核心管理人员。The main of my pool of friends are either junior managers, secretaries, or administrators.我的朋友多是职位不高的经理、秘书或行政人员。A university consists of teachers, administrators and students.大学由教师,行政人员和学生组成。He had administrators under him but took the crucial decisions himself.他手下有管理人员,但重要的决策仍由他自己来做。Unable to put together a financial rescue package, the firm was forced to call in administrators.由于无法制订出一套财政拯救计划,公司被迫请来接管人。It is important for the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.对国家日后的统治者来说,摆脱首都过于清高的氛围是很重要的。The fact that administrators fired the offending teacher immediately does the school credit.行政部门立即解雇了违法教师,这为学校赢得了声誉。Students have spoken of their growing frustration with school administrators.学生讲到他们对学校管理人员越来越失望。School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.学校管理者在社区的要求与孩子们的实际表现之间寻求平衡点。The university administrators ignored criticism from outside.大学的行政官员对外界的批评置若罔闻。The college runs a course for would-be arts administrators.该学院为未来的艺术品管理者开设培训课程。The meeting will give administrators a chance to respond to the community's questions and concerns.这次会议将给行政官员一个机会,让他们回应社区居民所提出的问题和关注的事。School administrators are trying to fill vacancies before the beginning of the school year.校方正在想办法尽量在这个学年开始之前把空缺职位填满。The administrators ordered random strip searches of all prisoners.管理人员下令对所有犯人进行随机光身搜查。Administrators need to liaise with employees at the factory, and the personnel department needs to liaise between the administrators and the employees.在工厂里管理人员需要和员工建立联系,而人事部门需要在管理人员和员工之间做沟通工作。School administrators are not on the firing line every day like the teachers are.学校管理人员不像教师那样每天都处于被批评的风口浪尖。The company is in the process of appointing administrators.该公司正在指派接管人中。




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