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There were tiny lines radiating from the corners of her eyes.她的眼角有细细的鱼尾纹。The plate had a hairline running across it.盘子上横着一道细细的裂纹。The baby's narrow neck looked too fragile to bear the weight of its head.婴儿细细的脖子看上去好像脆弱得承受不住头的重量似的。There was a layer of fine dust on the table.桌子上有一层细细的灰尘。His fine dark hair was receding a little.他细细的黑发有点儿从前额开始向后脱落了。Small waves rippled gently across the pond.细细的波纹轻柔地在池塘里扩散开来。The eruption had covered the town with a fine layer of ash.火山爆发给整个镇子覆盖了一层细细的火山灰。The coffee is ground to a fine powder.咖啡磨成了细细的咖啡粉。The red dress had slim black piping around the neck.这条红裙的领口有细细的黑色滚边。A thin beam of sunlight shafted across the room.一道细细的阳光射过房间。A thin trickle of blood ran down from a cut above her eye.一道细细的血流从她眼角上方的伤口流下来。He had a baby fuzz round his jaw.他的下巴上长着细细的胡须。The older boys hovered furtively outside the school gates, clutching thinly rolled cigarettes.那几个年长一点的男孩鬼鬼祟祟地在校门外徘徊,手里夹着细细的香烟。Fine ash covered the hill near the volcano.火山附近的山覆盖上了一层细细的火山灰。When Jack was born he had a fuzz of black hair on his head.杰克出生的时候长着一头细细的黑发。A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.在粗糙不平的水泥窗台上有一条细细的发光水印。She spoke in a tiny cutesy voice.她说话声音细细的,很做作。 |