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词汇 纯粹
例句 That's an outright lie!纯粹是谎言!The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.这些窗帘纯粹用来装饰,不能开合。It narrowed down to a mere contest of endurance.这件事结果纯粹成了耐力的较量。The criticisms are purely subjective.这些批评纯粹出于主观。A purely functional view of an organization doesn't work any more.纯粹从功能的角度考察一个机构的观点已经行不通了。Might it not be better to relegate the King to a purely ceremonial function?.让国王变成纯粹发挥典礼仪式上象征作用的元首会不会更好?The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.防守队员纯粹因为疏忽大意而愚蠢失球。There is, too, a simple failure of imagination.还有,就是纯粹缺乏想象力。They had nothing to lose and everything to gain.他们没有任何损失,纯粹获利。Opponents described the reforms as a purely cosmetic exercise.反对者把改革描述为纯粹装点门面的举动。I paint for the sheer/pure pleasure of it.我画画纯粹就是因为乐在其中。For sheer entertainment value, Kelly stood alone.纯粹从娱乐价值而言,凯莉是出类拔萃的。She fired him out of sheer malice.她解雇他纯粹出于恶意。I found the place purely by luck.我找到那里纯粹靠运气。I will be present at committee meetings, but purely in an advisory capacity.我将出席委员会的会议,但纯粹以顾问的身份出席。That bar/club is a real meat market.那个酒吧/夜总会纯粹就是个选秀场。This isn't highfalutin art-about-art. It's marvellous and adventurous stuff.这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。The items he makes are purely decorative.他做的那些物品纯粹用于装饰。On a purely practical level, it is difficult to see how such proposals would work.纯粹实践的角度来看很难看出这些计划的可行性。He was employed in a purely advisory role.纯粹以顾问身份受聘。Education shouldn't be measured purely by examination results.教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。I kept the clock purely for sentimental reasons.纯粹出于感情原因保留着这个钟。Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.项目常常纯粹因为惰性而被放弃。You could separate it from its political message and just look at it as pure poetry.你可以把它和政治寓意区分开来,只把它当作纯粹的诗歌。Out of pure instinct, he moved back a little.纯粹出于本能反应,他后退了一点儿。Bringing her on the show was a cynical attempt to boost the ratings.让她上节目纯粹就是想提高收视率。Not all the courses are purely vocational.并非所有的课程都是纯粹与职业有关的。This is purely ideational stuff, not literature.这是纯粹表达观念的东西,不是文学。Most business decisions are guided by pure intuition.绝大多数商业决策纯粹都是根据直觉作出的。I kissed him just for the hell of it.纯粹为了好玩而吻了他。She killed her boss's dog out of pure spite.纯粹出于怨恨,她杀了老板的狗。My reaction was purely instinctive.我的反应纯粹出于本能。He went to the gym every day, driven purely by narcissism.他每天都去健身房,纯粹出于自我欣赏。The stories she told about him are sheer/utter/complete/absolute nonsense. 她讲的关于他的故事简直/完全/纯粹/绝对是一派胡言。The conventions have become nothing but cheerleading rallies for the presidential campaign.这些大会纯粹变成了为总统大选摇旗呐喊的集会。Her curiosity was purely scientific.她的好奇心纯粹出于科学原因。She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint.纯粹从医治的角度来对待病人。Memories can sometimes be pure fantasy, rather than actual recollections.记忆有时纯粹是幻想,不是真实的回忆。Mental life is characteristically human and above the level of sheer animality.精神生活是人类所独有的高于纯粹动物性的一种特征。The decision was made on a purely commercial basis.这个决定纯粹是从营利的角度作出的。




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