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词汇 系统
例句 The rooms are fitted with systems that purify the air and water.房间里配备了净化空气和水的系统She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.她创立了一套可以更加准确地跟踪开销的系统We installed an interface between the computer and the typesetting machine.我们在电脑和排字机之间装了个连接系统American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现在已经超越日本同行,将在一两年内生产出一套数字系统A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.特殊的锁定系统使门不会被意外打开。He puffed the new system by showing how badly his existing system performed by comparison.他通过比较当前的系统运行得如何糟糕,来吹捧这种新系统We need to reorganize this ramshackle system.我们需要对这个混乱不堪的系统进行重组。The system transmits information over digital phone lines.这一系统通过数字电话线路传输信息。We're working together to develop a new system.我们正在合作开发一种新系统For users unfamiliar with the system, there are a few general points to keep in mind.对不熟悉这套系统的用户来说,有几条通则需要记住。The new heating system is certainly an improvement on the old one.新的暖气系统肯定比旧系统好得多了。His secretary's voice came over the intercom, telling him that he had a visitor.内部通话系统中传来他秘书的声音,告知他来了一位访客。Only one system succeeded in meeting the main performance specifications.只有一个系统符合主要性能规格。The whole system is let down by the poor quality of the graphics.糟糕的图像质量使整个系统有了缺憾。So that's how the system works. Are you with me?这个系统就是这样运行的。 你听懂了吗?New York does not have the nation's oldest subway system; that distinction belongs to Boston.纽约并没有该国最古老的地铁系统;这一荣誉属于波士顿。The patent covers both kinds of devices/systems.这项专利对两种装置/系统都适用。If you're confused about the new system, you're in good company. 如果你对这个新系统感到困惑的话,没关系,其他人也和你一样。Where Dr Shapland feels the system is not working most effectively is in respect of professional training.沙普兰博士认为系统在专业培训上的运作效率不是非常高。This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change.这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。We have developed an efficient banking service, but there is scope for further fine-tuning of the system.我们已开发了一种高效的银行服务,但该系统要达到完善仍有需要改进之处。Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。I was given the brief of developing a new system.我奉命开发新系统He developed a filing system to try to impose order on the mass of information.他开发了一套存档系统,试图有序地管理大量的信息。Each article goes through a foolproof system of checking which ensures that there are no mistakes in the final text.每篇文章都要经过一套万无一失的检查系统,这样就保证在最后的文本中没有错误。In ideography, each picture conveys an idea.在表意系统里,每个图都表达一个意思。The order was shipped by freight.订单通过货运系统发货。The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。Their new information retrieval system went live last month.他们新的信息检索系统上个月投入使用。My only grumble is that the system is a bit slow.我唯一的抱怨是系统有些慢。The extra demand can bog down the system.额外的需求可能使系统陷于瘫痪。Our prison system is being put under the microscope after an alarming number of suicides.发生了多起自杀事件之后,我们的监狱系统正在接受严格的审查。The old system's problems were myriad.系统问题多如牛毛。If you have no idea where the gas leak is coming from, it is always best to turn the complete system off.如果不清楚具体的煤气泄漏点,关闭整个系统总是最好的办法。We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.我们正在进行一项调查,了解顾客对当地公交服务系统的看法。This new system could be the shape of things to come.这个新系统很有可能代表了未来的发展趋势。The big advantage of this system is that it is fast.这个系统的显著优点是速度快。There were both gainers and losers as a result of the tax changes.税收系统改变后,既有获利者,也有受损者。The sprawling conference and resort center even has its own transportation system.这个杂乱无序地扩展的会议度假中心甚至有自己的交通运输系统The system relied on a chain of receiving and transmitting stations running north to south across the country.这个系统依赖全国从北到南的一连串接收台和发射台。




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