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词汇 笔直地
例句 The rocket shot straight up and exploded overhead.火箭笔直地向上射去,在空中爆炸。He hammered the spike in straight.他用头将那枚大钉笔直地敲了进去。The magistrate sat there, stern and erect, as the charge was read out.宣读起诉书的时候,地方法官表情严肃,笔直地坐在那里。He hit the ball on a beeline to the outfield.他把球笔直地击向外场。There was a sudden noise outside and she sat bolt upright in bed.外面突然响起一个声音,她从床上笔直地坐了起来。He sat bolt upright, hands folded in front of him.笔直地坐着,双手在胸前交叠。When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed.当我推开特雷弗的房门时,他正腰杆笔直地坐在床上。At this point, the base of the golf club should point straight up into the air.此时,高尔夫球杆的底部应该笔直地指向天空。Iris sat bolt upright in her seat throughout the interview.艾里斯整个面试过程中都笔直地坐在座位上。Helen sat upright in her chair.海伦笔直地坐在椅子上。The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead.公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。The soldiers stood at ramrod attention.士兵们笔直地立正。Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun.士兵们在正午的炎炎烈日下笔直地站着。The soldiers stood rigidly at attention.士兵们笔直地站立。The arrow made a true course through the air.那支箭笔直地向空中飞去。The three men straightened and stood waiting.那三个人站得笔直地等着。The guard stood straight as a ramrod.守卫笔直地站着。She sat there stiff as a ramrod.笔直地端坐在那儿。An upright posture in a chair or bed helps the patient to breathe more easily.笔直地坐在椅子上或床上的姿势可以帮助病人呼吸更加顺畅。Pine trees stood straight along the path.松树笔直地挺立在小路两旁。The road goes in a direct line towards the town.那条路笔直地通向城市。The guards stood upright at the gate.卫兵笔直地站立在门前。He sat in the saddle, ramrod straight.他腰杆笔直地坐在马鞍上。She stood straight, like a loyal soldier at attention.笔直地站着,像一个忠诚的士兵那样立正致意。The arrow flew straight and true to its target.那支箭笔直地朝着目标飞去。She sat quietly, her violin held upright in her lap.她静静地坐着,把小提琴笔直地放在膝上。The tunnel goes straight through the mountain.隧道笔直地穿过这座山。




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