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词汇 竟会
例句 I didn't expect him to react that way.我没料到他竟会做出那样的反应。I was fool enough to trust him.我真傻,竟会信赖他。It seems hard to credit that such things went on among senior directors.高级主管中竟会发生这种事情,似乎令人难以置信。To think that I should get a rubdown like this from the boss.想不到我竟会遭到老板这样的责骂。It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.竟会以如此残忍的方式对待彼此,这真是令人震惊。I'm rather disappointed that he should get the post.竟会得到这个职位,我很感失望。She is strangely hung up about meeting new people.她对会见生人竟会很不自在。I'm surprised that anyone of your intelligence should be so foolish as to believe this.我很惊讶像你这样聪明的人竟会变得如此愚蠢而相信这件事。It's strange that he should be absent.真奇怪,他竟会缺席。Tom never guessed that with his latest book he would write himself into sudden fame.汤姆从未料到他的新作竟会使自己突然成名。I hate that you should think so.真遗憾你竟会这样想。He was a dummy to agree.竟会同意,真是笨蛋。We wonder how your religious beliefs would translate into political action.我们想知道你的宗教信仰怎么竟会转变成政治行动的。I'm sorry it should be this way.很遗憾,事情竟会是这个样子。I have never known the press so irresponsibly slanted and prejudiced.我还从来不知道新闻报界竟会如此不负责任地带有倾向性和偏见。I'm surprised that a man of your reputation would stoop to this.我感到惊讶,像你这样有声望的人竟会堕落到如此地步。I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way.我难以相信这些人竟会有这种举动。It is inconceivable that he would lose his job.不敢相信他竟会丢了工作。I marvelled that anyone could be so stupid.我惊讶竟会有人如此愚蠢。It is sickening that human beings have done this to two innocent young women.人类竟会对两个无辜的年轻女性做出这种事来,真是让人震惊。It is a scandal that such things should be possible.竟会有这等事,真不像话。How could he commit such an indiscretion?他怎么竟会做出这样不明智的事来呢?She wondered how she'd had the temerity to stand up to him that morning.她不知道那天早上自己怎么竟会冒冒失失地顶撞他。He was surprised that one of his cronies had gone fink on him.他想不到他的一个老朋友竟会告发他。It fair beats me how he could say such a thing.竟会讲出这种话来,真是我没料到的。Little did I know that I would actually wind up being on the staff.我完全没有想到自己最后竟会在这里供职。I was fool enough to believe him.我够傻的,竟会去相信他。It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.真想不到托比竟会是袭击我的人。I can't believe that rat turned us in to the police!我真不敢相信那个小人竟会向警方告发我们!I can't believe my best friend would sell me down the river.我不相信我最好的朋友竟会出卖我。It is sometimes difficult to believe that the different groups living within our borders constitute a single society.有时很难相信生活在我国境内的各个不同的群体竟会构成一个单一的社会。I little thought that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you.我想不到竟会跟你一起进餐饮酒。It defies belief how things got this bad.事情竟会变得如此糟糕,这真让人难以置信。John is astonished that Mary should object.玛丽竟会反对,这使约翰感到惊讶。It is rather unfortunate that the Prime Minister should have said this.真可叹,首相竟会说这话。He swiftly chided himself for such thoughts.他马上责备自己竟会有这种想法。I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是,孩子们竟会背着父母屡屡欠债。Most of those who voted for independence did not envision war as the eventual outcome.大多数投票选择独立的人没料到最后的结局竟会是战争。




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