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词汇 大力
例句 He had a large share in bringing it about, but no share of the credit.他在促成这事中出过一份大力,但荣誉却没他的份。He was always lavish in his praise of my efforts.他总是大力赞扬我的努力。The company will be taking drastic measures to reduce its debt.这家公司将采取措施大力减少债务。The company invested heavily in new technology.该公司大力投资新技术。The new plan will provide strong incentives for young people to improve their skills.新的方案将大力鼓励年轻人努力提高自己的技能。I highly recommend this disc.大力推荐这张唱片。Her book pleaded the cause of women's education.她的书大力宣扬妇女教育事业。Beckham struck the ball with precision.贝克汉姆精确地大力踢球。I landed heavily on my ankle and must have damaged it in some way.我着地时脚踝受到大力冲击,肯定伤着了。Both players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard.两名球员都展示出大力击球的能力。The company is investing heavily in new technologies.这家公司大力投资新技术。They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty.他们大力宣扬一种以自我牺牲和诚实为基础的新道德观。He took the idea and ran with it.他采纳了这个想法并大力贯彻执行。All steaks will benefit from a bashing, as this breaks up the muscle fibres that comprise most of the meat.大力击打适用于准备各类烹饪用的肉块,因为这样可以打断组成肉块的肌肉纤维。The newspaper has campaigned vigorously for the nationalist cause.该报大力鼓吹民族主义。We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.你们上周末给予我们大力帮助,我们非常感谢。He unloaded on the pitch and drove it over the right field wall.他一记大力投球,把球投出了右外场墙外。There was a huge international relief effort to bring help to the stricken area.国际社会大力帮助受灾地区。Littlejohn blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。His powerful serve was too much for the defending champion.他的大力发球让卫冕冠军难以招架。He threw all his weight against the door, but it wouldn't budge an inch.他将整个身体向门大力撞去,但门纹丝不动。Companies have slashed inventories and cut back investment.各公司已经大力削减库存并大幅减少投资。She was ably assisted by a team of volunteers.她得到了一群能干的志愿者的大力帮助。Human rights are strongly promoted by all our members.人权得到了我们所有成员的大力推进。And that was a real slog from Kumar.那是库马尔的一次真正的大力击球。Without generous corporate sponsorship, the ballet company would not have survived.没有公司的大力资助,这个芭蕾舞团早已不复存在了。There has been a big push for higher standards in schools.各个学校都在大力提高标准。The newspapers headlined the story of the astronauts' trip to the moon.报纸大力报导太空人的月球之行。Environmentalists rage against the seduction of our society by consumerism.环保人士大力抨击了消费主义对社会的误导。The economy needs vigorous resuscitation.经济需要大力复苏。The company is well launched on an expansion programme.这家公司正大力实行一项扩展计划。The campaign was well-publicised and expertly co-ordinated.这场运动得到了大力的宣传和精到的协调。The company is making a strong push to expand its distribution.该公司正在大力扩展其销售。I had to lay it on pretty thick about how talented she was.我只好大力吹捧她的才华。He can hit a powerful overhead smash.他能打出大力的过顶高压球。I therefore leapt at the opportunity of considerably enlarging the concept of the booklet.我因此紧紧抓住这一机会来大力拓展这本小册子所阐述的理念。Union leaders blasted the Government for failing to tackle the jobs crisis.工会领袖大力抨击政府未能处理好就业危机。Most children start out doing toe pokes, so we train them to use the side of their foot.大部分孩子开始的时候都用脚趾部位大力踢球,所以我们训练他们使用脚侧。The country needs a government that works to encourage enterprise.这个国家需要一个大力鼓励创业的政府。I got the interview through the good offices of a former classmate.在一位老同学的大力帮助下,我得到了这次面试的机会。




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