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Years of civil war and drought have taken their toll, and the population of the region is greatly reduced.多年的内战和干旱造成了重大的损失,这个地区人口大减。Both teams were severely depleted by injuries.两队都因队员受伤而实力大减。When peace returned, the hard-line message lost much of its impact.恢复和平后,强硬路线思想的影响力大减。With the death of its founder, the campaign lost much of its impetus.这项运动因为创始人逝世而势头大减。The experience dampened her interest in becoming a doctor.有了这次经历,她对当医生的兴趣大减。Both teams were sapped by the heat.两支球队都因炎热而实力大减。 |