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词汇 大减价
例句 The sale attracted a veritable mob of people.这次大减价着实吸引了一大群人。He's hoping to pick up a few bargains at the sales.他希望在大减价中买到几件便宜货。There's going to be a sale at Macy's next week.下周梅西百货大减价I picked up a new iron in the sale - it was a steal.我在大减价时买了个新熨斗——非常便宜。It was absolute mayhem on the first day of the sales.大减价的第一天一片混乱。I need a new pair of shoes but I want to wait until they go on sale.我要买双新鞋子,但我想等到大减价的时候才买。There are bargains galore in our summer sale.我们在夏季大减价活动中有大量的便宜货。Her latest escapade was to camp outside a department store on the night before the sale.她最近的一个恶作剧是在一家百货商店大减价的前一晚搭帐篷睡在店外。Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale.大减价的第一天商店开门时,人们蜂拥而入,导致两名顾客受伤。Several holiday firms are offering huge price reductions on winter holidays.几家度假服务公司正推出冬季大减价The mirror was a bargain buy in a Harrod's sale.这面镜子是在哈罗德百货公司大减价时买到的特价商品。I was lucky to get it as part of a job lot at a sale.我运气好,在一次大减价时买到的一堆次货中得到了这个。Some of the stores are having a shoe riot.有几家店铺在举行鞋子大减价There were bargains galore in the spring sales.春季大减价时有海量便宜货。Car dealers are heavily discounting last year's unsold models.汽车经销商在对去年没卖出去的汽车进行大减价促销。The sale exposed the company to widespread criticism.这次大减价使该公司遭受到广泛的批评。I bought this in the January sales.这是我在一月大减价时买的。I bought these jeans half price in a sale.大减价时,我用半价买了这条牛仔裤。Shops are knocking down prices in an effort to increase sales.商店都在大减价以增加销量。I got some shoes cheap in the sale.我在大减价的时候买到了几双便宜鞋。Final Sale. All prices slashed. Everything must go!最后大减价。所有商品一律削价。清仓甩卖!Customers mob the stores on sale days.大减价的日子里顾客们纷纷涌入商店。I bought it at the winter sales.那是我在冬季大减价时买的。The summer sales are on next week.夏季大减价将于下周举行。By the time we got to the sale, all the good stuff was gone.我们赶到大减价之处时,所有的好东西都卖光了。He was upset because it was the first day of the sale and Astrid had called in sick.他很生气,因为那是大减价的第一天,阿斯特丽德却打电话来请了病假。It might be a civilized place to shop at other times, but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,一月大减价例外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。I got this hat cheap at a sale.大减价时我以便宜价买下这顶帽子。In our summer sale, we have clothes from top designers at giveaway prices.在我们的夏季大减价活动中,以最低价出售名家设计的服装。I got these shoes in the Bloomingdale's sale.这双鞋是我在布鲁明戴尔百货店大减价时买的。There's a sale on at Harrods.哈罗德百货正在大减价Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year.留意每年这时候的大减价和清仓大甩卖。Retailers sometimes try to offload excess stock in the January sales.零售商有时会在一月份大减价中设法把过量的存货卖掉。




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