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They had improvised an alarm, using string and empty cans.他们用绳子和空罐子临时做了一个警报器。The empty can clanked along the sidewalk.空罐子沿着人行道一路叮叮当当地翻滚。The empty stadium was littered with burger wrappers and empty cans.空荡荡的体育场里乱扔着汉堡包装纸和空罐子。Andrew crushed his empty can.安德鲁把他的空罐子捏扁了。The tourists left a trail of empty cans behind them.游客留下了一路的空罐子。There was a scatter of empty cans and bottles on the lawn.草坪上散落着空瓶子和空罐子。 |