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词汇 costly
例句 To do the job well, we need a special lab, a lot of money. Talents. Anyway, it's going to be a costly project.要做好这事,我们需要一个特别的实验室,投入大量经费,还要人才。总之,这是个代价不菲的项目。This process is costly in computer time.这个过程要耗费大量的计算机时间。They have been investing in costly new equipment.他们一直投资于价格高昂的新设备。Our latest project was more costly than we had envisaged.我们最近的一项工程耗资比我们原先设想的要多。Coastal defence is a costly business.海岸警备是件很花钱的事。Buying all those computers was a costly mistake.购进那些电脑是个代价非常大的错误。It was too costly to fix her car after the accident, so she decided to buy a new car instead.由于事故之后修车费用过高,她决定买辆新车。It proved to be a costly mistake.事实证明这个错误代价很大。The candidate's mistake proved embarrassing and politically costly.事实证明候选人的这个错误不仅使他难堪,而且政治代价高昂。Having curtains made professionally can be costly.找专业公司制作窗帘会非常昂贵。Oxford's one-to-one tutorials are an effective but also costly way of teaching.牛津大学一对一的个别指导课是一种行之有效但费用很高的教学方式。These teaching methods are too costly in terms of staff resources.这些教学方法需要耗费太多的师资。The proposed regulations are ill-defined and cumbersome and could be unnecessarily costly.提议的规章制度阐述不清、复杂低效,而且可能会带来不必要的过高花费。At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly.要使电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。The proposal was rejected as too costly.由于成本过高,这一提案未被接受。The plan dropped through when it proved too costly.这项计划终因费用过高而中辍。Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes.心理测试能够使组织机构避免犯下损失惨重的大错。The escalation of the conflict has been costly.冲突愈演愈烈,劳民伤财。Any delay in the production process is costly to a company.生产过程中任何耽误对公司来说都要付出很大的代价。The decision to wait could be a costly mistake.决定等待可能是个代价高昂的错误。The government is backtracking from its more costly plans.政府在逐步放弃种种代价较高昂的计划。We use less costly materials in our products.我们产品所用的材料不太贵。This approach is too inflexible and too costly.这个方法太死板,而且花费也高。They failed to realize how costly the work would be. Little wonder, then, that their plan was rejected.他们没意识到这项工作花费巨大,难怪他们的方案被否决了。Cleaning up contaminated soil can be very costly.治理被污染的土壤要花很多钱。This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly.国际银行业的这种丑闻一直以来都会造成极其恶劣的政治影响。Appeals can be costly and time-consuming.上诉可能要花很多钱,并且很耗时间。The venture proved a costly failure.此次投机最终失败,且代价巨大。The club's present set-up is inefficient and costly.该俱乐部的现行体制既缺乏效率又成本过高。The prime minister triumphed, but it was seen as a pyrrhic victory with its costly union concessions.首相虽然胜利了,却被认为是惨胜,因其对工会作出了极大的让步。We wanted to avoid costly, time-consuming legislation.我们希望避开耗财耗时的立法程序。Your suggestion is feasible, though it might be rather costly.你的建议是可行的,但也许要付出不少代价。Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly.现代的人造染料会很贵。Many critics have objected to the proposal on the grounds that it would be too costly.许多批评者反对这项提议,理由是代价太高。They won the game, but their best player was injured, so it was a costly victory.他们赢得了比赛,但他们最好的球员受了伤,所以这是一场代价高昂的胜利。The finance committee rejected their plan because they said it was too costly.财政委员会说他们的计划成本太大,故加以拒绝。Eating out can be costly.在外面吃饭是要花很多钱的。Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly.你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。Moving the drilling rig offshore was a costly enterprise.把钻探机移至近海是一项耗资巨大、艰难复杂的工程。




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