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词汇 傍晚
例句 Come early evening. After teatime, at any rate.傍晚来。或者说,过了午茶时间来就行。During the hot summer evenings, we'd eat on the front porch.炎热的夏季傍晚,我们会在门廊前用餐。The evening sky was stippled with a few wisps of low-lying clouds.傍晚的天空点缀着几抹低低的云彩。The fine rain turned to mist in the early evening.傍晚,细雨变成了薄雾。The morning/afternoon/evening sunlight shone through the curtains.早上/下午/傍晚的阳光透过窗帘照进来。Southern areas should stay dry until the early evening.傍晚之前,南部地区天气仍干燥。He was attacked as he was walking home from work late one afternoon.一天傍晚,他在下班回家的路上遭到了袭击。The evening sun streamed in through the window.傍晚的阳光透过窗户斜射进来。She took a walk in the cool of the evening.傍晚凉爽,她出去散了散步。The evening sky was still aglow.傍晚的天空依旧火红一片。The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both.傍晚沉闷的空气使我俩的心情沉重。We had a tornado warning earlier in the evening.刚到傍晚我们就听到了龙卷风警报。It was good to be outdoors in the cool of the evening/night.在凉爽宜人的傍晚/夜晚,待在户外甚为惬意。Don't worry, we'll be back by nightfall.别担心,我们傍晚之前会回来的。On summer evenings we would sit on the veranda and watch the sun go down.在夏天的傍晚,我们常坐在游廊上看日落。The evening sky was darkening as I made my way home.我走在回家的路上,傍晚的天空渐渐暗了下来。The balmy afternoon had mellowed into a lovely evening.宜人的下午缓缓地变成美好的傍晚By dusk we were dog-tired and heading for home.到了傍晚我们累趴下了,于是回家。Martin was reading the early edition of the Evening News.马丁在看《新闻晚报》的傍晚版。It is pleasant to walk among the trees in the evening.傍晚在树林中走一走令人心旷神怡。By late afternoon, she had done 10 drawings.傍晚的时候,她已经作好了十幅画。She didn't invite him till the evening of the party.她直到聚会的那个傍晚才邀请他。It may rain by the end of the day, but we plan to carry on regardless.傍晚的时候可能会下雨,但是我们打算无论如何都要进行下去。We would look for deer feeding in the open at dusk.我们要寻找傍晚在旷野觅食的鹿。The foggy streets were virtually empty, except for the occasional evening stroller.除了偶尔一两个傍晚出来散步的人,雾蒙蒙的街上空荡荡的。We opened the windows and let in the glorious evening air.我们打开窗户,让傍晚那沁人心脾的空气流进室内。The temperature was unseasonably cold for a midsummer evening.对于一个仲夏的傍晚,这气温低得反常。I'm going to have shrimps for my tea.傍晚的便餐我要吃点虾。For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat.傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。Every morning and evening the subway is packed with commuters.每天早晨和傍晚地铁里挤满了上下班乘客。A scream shattered the late afternoon calm.一声尖叫打破了傍晚的宁静。The evening turned cool as daylight faded.傍晚的天气随着日光渐弱转凉了。She used to come here every Saturday evening as regular as clockwork.她过去每逢星期六傍晚必来此地。Nancy's mind jumped back to the Friday evening the child had disappeared.南希的思绪跳回到孩子失踪的那个星期五的傍晚The dark shapes of the trees stood out against the evening sky.傍晚的天空把黑漆漆的树影衬托出来。In the early evening, she wets down the grass with a hose.傍晚,她用软管给草地浇水。The evening sky was full of purples and reds.傍晚的天空布满紫色和红色的云彩。I shall be back towards the quiet evenfall.我将在寂静的傍晚回家。On Sunday evenings young people stroll two by two along the lanes.每到星期天傍晚,年轻人成双成对地在乡村小道上散步。They stacked the firewood in readiness for the evening campfire.他们堆好木柴,准备傍晚生营火。




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