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After graduation, the student must begin to pay back the loan.毕业后,那个学生必须开始偿还贷款。I had to make inroads into my savings to pay off the loan.我不得不开始拿出积蓄来偿还贷款。What are you able to provide as a surety that you will repay the loan?您能拿什么来担保你会偿还贷款?He was absolved of the responsibility of repaying the loan. 他被免除了偿还贷款的责任。The bank has demanded repayment of the loan.银行已发出偿还贷款的要求。They are struggling to keep up their loan repayments.他们努力坚持偿还贷款。He wanted to roll over the repayment of the loan until later.他想要延期偿还贷款。The stock was sold to liquidate the loan.股票被卖出以偿还贷款。The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.销售所得将用来偿还贷款。 |