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词汇 储备
例句 We can tap into the vast reservoir of information available on the Internet.我们可以开发利用因特网上丰富的信息储备The government has said it has no need for chemical weapons and will destroy its stocks entirely.该国政府说,它不需要化学武器,将要销毁其全部储备The country has agreed to reduce its nuclear arsenal.该家已同意削减其核武器储备France refused to allow stockpiling of American atomicweapons on French soil for the Nato fighter-bomber force.法国拒绝在其领土上为北约组织的战斗轰炸机部队储备美国原子武器。The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。They have a stockpile of weapons and ammunition that will last several months.他们的武器和弹药储备足够支撑好几个月。The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel.当局已敦促人们储备燃料。For lack of victuals, we shall not be able to hold the fort.因为缺乏储备的食物,我们将守不住要塞。We made sure to stock up on food before the storm hit.暴风雨来袭之前,我们已确保储备了大量食物。These statistics show the total inadequacy of the present oil reserves.这些统计数据表明目前的油量储备不足。The mice scurry off in search of new stocks.那几只老鼠逃窜开去寻找新的储备食物的地方。Chinese gas reserves are now being tapped.中国正在开发天然气储备It might be construed that member State banks should keep their reserves.可以这么理解,联储成员银行应该保持储备Jodie always had a large stock of brandy in her cupboard.乔迪总是在碗橱里储备许多白兰地。We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to replenish our reserves.我们不得不额外进口四百万吨小麦以补充我们的储备It is now halfway through winter and food stocks are already low.现在冬天刚刚过半,但食物的储备已经不足了。The country's oil and natural gas reserves are capable only of meeting short-term needs.该国的石油和天然气储备仅够满足短期的需求。We went into town to stock up on provisions.为了储备食物我们进了城。Start planning for Christmas by stocking up the freezer.为圣诞节做准备,从储备冰箱里的食物开始。The rebels have been stockpiling weapons.叛乱分子一直在储备武器。We need to increase our applicant pool.我们需要增加我们的求职人员储备They had to fall back on their emergency supplies when the snow storm blocked the road to town.暴风雪封住了通往小镇的道路,他们只得依靠应急储备Holly stopped at her favourite deli and stocked up.霍利顺便去她最喜欢的熟食店储备了些食物。We have substantial reserves, which provide a good margin for uncertainties.我们有充足的储备,足以应付不确定的因素。The museum has a large reserve collection in storage.该博物馆收藏着大量的储备藏品。Many animals store up food for the winter.很多动物会为过冬储备食物。We believe that he has been training an army and storing up arms.我们确信他一直在训练军队,储备武器。More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.还需要更多的疫苗来补充我们的储备The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.政府劝告人民储备燃料,以防战争爆发。They have low reserves and need the money to stay solvent.他们储备很少,需要资金保持偿还能力。The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel.当局已经敦促人们储备燃料。Half of our stock is for use, the other half for store.我们的存货一半供使用,另一半供储备The government stockpiled vaccines to prepare for a flu epidemic.政府为应对流感大量储备疫苗。They have considerable reserves and so are better placed than we are.他们有雄厚的资金储备,因此比我们有优势。The hospital keeps a large supply of blood for use in emergencies.医院储备了大量血液以供急救用。Customers travel from miles away to stock up their deep freezes.顾客从几英里外赶来,给冷冻柜储备食物。I need to head to the store to stock up.我需要去商店大量采购做储备If he had another well-stocked hideaway like this, he could stay holed up for months.如果他还有另一个储备如此充足的藏身之所,那他可以躲起来几个月不露面。We should lay in a good supply of beer for the party.我们应该为聚会储备大量的啤酒。The world should bring to reality an international system of grain reserves.全世界应实行国际粮食储备制度。




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