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词汇 积极分子
例句 The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.全球通讯组织通过互联网把生态及其他政治活动积极分子联系在一起。Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.同性恋权利积极分子在电影院外示威。Prezza, as the cheeky young pups call him, had been a ship's steward and union activist.那些目中无人、粗鲁无礼的小青年口中的普雷扎一直在轮船当乘务员,还是工会积极分子Activists and reformers are frustrated by the public's lack of interest.公众缺乏兴趣使积极分子和改革推进者们备受打击。Their protests stiffened the spines of party activists.他们的抗议坚定了该党积极分子的信念。We are active members of our church.我们是本地教会的积极分子The court's decision set off an uproar among religious activists.法院的判决在宗教积极分子当中引发了一场骚动。They view activists as little more than meddlers.在他们眼中,积极分子不过是爱管闲事的人罢了。Most activists don't want anything to do with violent protests.大多数积极分子都不想参与暴力抗议活动。Activists want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.环保积极分子希望政府投资对环境影响不大的生态旅游设施。Right-wing activists used people's fear of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism.右翼积极分子利用人们害怕失业的心理挑起极端主义。Four activists chained themselves to the gates.四名积极分子把自己拴在大门上。All her life she'd been an active member of the peace movement.她一生都是和平运动的积极分子Some human rights activists have been urging the government to put a moratorium to capital punishment.有一些人权积极分子在敦促政府要暂停死刑。Democracy activists have been effectively muzzled by these tough new laws.这几条新的法律很严厉,有效地钳制了民主积极分子的言论。He joined a local activists' group, hoping to meet like-minded people. 他加入了当地一个积极分子团体,希望结识志同道合的人。I am an active member of the Conservative Party.我是保守党的积极分子A nucleus of activist students led the demonstrations.一个学生积极分子的核心团体领导了这些示威活动。There was evidence of growing discouragement among activists.有证据表明积极分子的情绪越来越低迷。Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.党内积极分子中中产阶级下层出身的很多。Some opposition activists have been violently attacked.一些反对派的积极分子受到了暴力袭击。Activists campaigned for a commutation of Lee's sentence.积极分子发起了一场为李减刑的运动。I am an active member of the Green Party.我是绿党的积极分子Being a Communist was a badge of honour for thousands of trade union activists.对数千工会积极分子来说,成为共产党员是荣誉的象征。Today there are over 5,000 active members in the Accra church.今天,在阿克拉教堂内聚集了五千多名积极分子The management has been trying to buy off union activists with substantial pay offers.管理层试图以高薪收买工会中的积极分子Lofgren told a convention of church activists that she wanted the money to be spent on local childrens’ facilities.洛夫格伦在教会积极分子大会上说,她希望这笔钱能用在当地儿童设施上。Hundreds of activists were marching for peace and disarmament.数百名积极分子游行示威,呼吁和平与裁军。Three environmental activists came to speak at the conference.三名环保积极分子来到会上作了讲话。He's been a trade union/party activist for many years.多年来他一直是工会/党的积极分子Activists staged a protest outside the parliament.积极分子在议会外组织了一场抗议活动。Activists were calling for a free press and political reforms.积极分子要求自由出版权和进行政治改革。Antiwar activists were protesting in the streets.反战积极分子在街头抗议示威。Activists have raised a stink about the shipments of nuclear waste.积极分子就运输核废料一事大闹了一场。She's an active member of the Women's Institute and is always organizing talks for her local group.她是妇女协会的积极分子,常常在她所在的地区组织讲演。He is the fair-haired boy at the office and often takes work home with him.他是办公室里的积极分子,常常把工作带回家去做。




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