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词汇 私营部门
例句 The government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems.政府现在正求助于私营部门,寻求解决该国交通问题的其他方法。This approach has emphasized the role of the private sector.这种方法看重私营部门的作用。Private sector pay increases were again above the rate of inflation.私营部门的工资增长再次超过通货膨胀率。Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.部长们希望看到私营部门与行政机构之间更多的交流。We can note, in passing, the rapid expansion of the private sector.顺带提一句,我们可以注意到私营部门的迅速扩张。He wants to hand over control of social security to the private sector.他想把社会保障的控制权移交给私营部门They thought the private sector would be happy to invest.他们认为私营部门会乐意入股。The Prime Minister said his preference was for the private sector to conduct the rollout.首相说他更希望由私营部门来做这次公开展示。Private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment.目前,私营部门提供的住房对低收入家庭来说太贵了。The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相反,私营部门有大量的资金可供支出。Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector.许多原先为政府工作的科学家现在都到私营部门另谋高就了。




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