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词汇 礼节
例句 Common courtesy dictates that a guest should receive a welcome.根据通常的礼节,客人应该受到欢迎。American businessmen were surprised that their French colleagues wanted to shake hands each morning, a formal sign of politeness in the US.美国商人惊讶地发现,他们的法国同事每天早晨都要握手,而这在美国是一种正式的礼节He seemed, all unknowing, to constantly be in breach of Japanese etiquette.他似乎无意中持续违背了日本人的礼节He needs to learn good table manners.他需要学习良好的用餐礼节They greeted their visitor with formal politeness.他们以正式礼节迎接来访者。He borrowed money from me and didn't even have the common decency to pay me back.他借了我的钱,但是连有借有还这种普通的礼节都不懂。What is the proper protocol for declining a job offer?拒绝工作邀请时应有的礼节是什么?For the sake of propriety off she went to kirk.碍于礼节她才去教堂。Let us dispense with the usual formalities and open the meeting at once.让我们免去惯常的礼节,这就开会吧。When attending a wedding, there are certain proprieties that must be observed.参加婚礼时,有些礼节必须遵守。He's not used to formality and finds that formal settings cramp his style.他不习惯于礼节,觉得正式的氛围束缚了他的手脚。They are scrupulously polite and astoundingly pertinacious.他们恪守礼节,而且惊人地执着。His table manners are a disgrace.他进餐不讲礼节令人羞愧。He was a respecter of proprieties.他是一个注重礼节的人。Churchill was said to have a dislike for unnecessary formality.据说丘吉尔不喜欢不必要的礼节According to protocol, he was to arrive at the meeting exactly five minutes early.礼节他应该提早正好五分钟到会。In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.在日本人们非常注重礼节Such people are burlesquing good manners and etiquette.这类人正在嘲讽良好修养和礼节What's the correct etiquette when addressing a judge?称呼法官时,正确的礼节是什么?He's got an acute sense of the proprieties.他很注意礼节His demeanour at the table is always exemplary.他的餐桌礼节总是可以作为典范。Abandoning any pretense at politeness, they ran for the door.他们抛下虚伪的礼节,直奔门口。All formalities were observed at the ceremony.庆典仪式遵循了所有的礼节His table manners are disgraceful.他进餐不讲礼节令人羞愧。It would be common courtesy to return their hospitality.对他们的好客作出回应是起码的礼节Surely if the woman had any decency at all, she'd have withdrawn at once.当然如果这个女人懂点礼节的话,她会马上离开。He tends to be forgetful of his manners.他往往不注意礼节Her failure to respond to the invitation was a serious breach of etiquette.她没有回复邀请,这严重违背了礼节Respect the local etiquete. Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops.要尊重当地的礼节。朴素端庄的衣着往往比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣更合适。She's undone one more button than propriety would deem decent, revealing a glimpse of cleavage.她少扣了一个扣子,若隐若现地露出乳沟,这在礼节上被认为不雅。It is important to be aware of the level of formality required at any social function.注意不同社交活动的特定礼节是很重要的。The soldier's actions constitute a breach of military protocol.士兵的行为违反了军事礼节It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation.拒绝邀请被视为一种违反礼节的行为。According to protocol, he first reported to the Director of the hospital.根据礼节,他先向医院院长报到。We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so.我们在不失礼节的情况下提早离开了聚会。Etiquette requires that winners make a speech.礼节上说,获胜者应该发表获胜感言。This Decalogue is often called the ritual Decalogue.十诫常被称作礼节十诫。Your sense of decorum may be shocked by this.礼节的你可能会对这件事感到震惊。Writing an e-mail message in all capital letters is considered a breach/violation of netiquette because it looks like you are shouting.电子邮件信息全部用大写被认为是违反网络礼节的行为,因为这看起来像是你在大喊大叫。




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