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词汇 确信
例句 John was assured of her ability to solve the problem.约翰确信她有解决该问题的能力。We as consumers need to feel confident that our jobs are safe before we will spend spare cash.我们作为消费者在把闲钱花掉之前,需要确信自己不会失业。Like most armchair sportsmen, Terry is sure he understands the game better than the referees.像绝大多数空谈的体育爱好者一样,特里确信他要比裁判更了解赛事。He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime.确信那个人是清白的,没有犯过任何罪。Are you sure we're going in the right direction?确信我们走的方向是对的吗?Dixon was convinced he could win the forthcoming election.狄克逊确信自己能在这次即将举行的选举中获胜。Both John and his wife Susy are convinced the house is haunted.约翰和他妻子苏茜都确信房子里闹鬼。We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday.我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。He was convinced that his office was bugged.确信他的办公室被安装了窃听器。Hobart is convinced that there are life forms on other planets.霍巴特确信其他星球上也有生物存在。After all the exasperating delays he was certain that his son would soon be back.在种种令人恼怒的拖延之后,他确信自己的儿子即将回来了。He became convinced of the need for cheap editions of good-quality writing.他渐渐确信,人们对优秀作品的低价本有需求。Assure her you are acting out of love and concern.要让她确信你是出于爱和关心才这么做的。I'm a hundred per cent sure.我百分之百地确信They were quite determined that he wasn't going to do it.他们确信他不会那样做。French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.法国警方确信她是被拷打致死。Are you sure you're physically tough enough for this job?确信你有足够的体力胜任这份工作吗?Woolley felt certain that he had made an important discovery and his conviction was strengthened as more evidence came to light.伍利确信自己有了重大发现,随着更多的证据被披露,他的信念更加坚定了。We are sure of his innocence.我们确信他是无辜的。We are confident next year's profits will be higher.我们确信明年的利润会增加。He seemed convinced that the US would prosecute the war to its end.他似乎确信美国会将这场战争进行到底。He was certain Sid would be eaten alive by the hardened criminals in the jail.确信锡德在监狱中肯定会被那些怙恶不悛的罪犯们扒掉一层皮。He was sure that other drivers looked at him with envy.确信别的司机羡慕地看着他。She is convinced of his innocence.确信他是无辜的。You can let your kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won't get sunburn.你可以放心让你的孩子在这里玩,确信他们不会晒伤。He was sure he would pin down the enemy between two firing lines.确信自己能够把敌人压制在两条火力线间。I knew I had seen him before, but I could not place him.我当时确信曾见到过他,但记不起来了。The police believe the men pulled all three robberies.警察确信三起抢劫案都是那些人干的。Internet shopping will really take off when people become convinced that it is secure.当人们确信网上购物是安全的以后,这种购物方式将会急剧增加。We believe that he has been training an army and storing up arms.我们确信他一直在训练军队,储备武器。She was sure he was going to propose.确信他准备求婚。Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease.现在医生们确信已经治好了他的病。I can't believe that he's back from Canada and he's mine - I keep having to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.我不敢相信他从加拿大回来了,而且他属于我——我不停地拧自己以确信我不是在做梦。He was satisfied that he had done nothing wrong.确信自己没有做错什么。Police are now satisfied that her death was an accident.警方现已确信她是意外死亡。He was sure the business deal was in his pocket.确信这桩生意他稳操胜券。He'd a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn't seen her before.他对别人的长相过目不忘,他确信自己以前没有见过她。The goal is not to punish the rebels, but to convince them that it is futile to resist.目的不是要惩罚叛乱分子,而是要让他们确信反抗是徒劳的。She was convinced that her mother had been innocent.确信她母亲是无辜的。He was convinced of her innocence.确信她是无辜的。




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