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词汇 corner
例句 As the boys rounded the corner, a group of kids pounced on them.男孩们刚拐过街角,一群孩子就向他们扑来。In the corner of the room was a large lamp, hanging from the ceiling.房间一角的天花板上悬着一盏大吊灯。There's a great restaurant just around the corner.附近就有一家很棒的餐馆。He caught the ball in the corner of the end zone.他在端区的一角接住了球。After the game, police were stationed on every corner.比赛后,城里各个路口都安排了警察。They own the house on the corner lot.拐角处的那座房子是他们的。Turn right at the corner.到了拐角向右转。He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.他一脚漂亮的凌空抽射,把球踢进了球门的远角。We ate in a corner booth at the restaurant.我们在餐厅角落里的包厢吃饭。His execution was a hole-and-corner affair.对他的处决是秘密进行的。He wiped a dribble of juice from the corner of the baby's mouth.他擦掉了宝宝嘴角上的一滴果汁。I steered it into the bottom corner of the net with my left foot.我用左脚把那东西搞到网罩的底角去了。Hold on to the seat in front when we go round the corner.我们拐弯时要抓牢前面的座椅。The politicians say that a stronger economy is just around the corner. 政治家说经济很快就会有更为强劲的表现。She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.她从眼角斜瞥了我一眼。Peter flung his shoes into the corner.彼得把他的鞋子甩到角落里。A white van came around the corner.一辆白色面包车拐过街角开了过来。He forced his opponent into the corner and battered him with a series of hard punches.他将对手逼到角落,狠狠地给了他一连串的重拳。We met in a bar just around the corner from my apartment.我们就在离我公寓不远的一个酒吧碰头。He took careful note of the suspicious-looking man in the corner of the bar.他十分注意酒吧角落里那个形迹可疑的人。I noticed Ben sitting all by himself in the corner.我发现本独自一人坐在角落里。You will find a kosher restaurant at the corner of the street.在转角处你会发现一家犹太餐厅。A soggy pile of old leaves lay in the corner of the yard.院子的角落里有一堆潮湿的枯叶。You notice the little pencilled mark in the corner of the postcards that says when they have to be removed.注意这些明信片角上标明的它们何时要被取下的铅笔字标记。Don't turn back the corner of the page to mark your place.别折书角来作读到哪里的记号。Turn right at the first corner.在第一个拐角向右转。They live in a quiet corner of the town.他们生活在镇上一处僻静的地方。She drove the ball into the top corner of the goal.她一记劲射,把球踢进球门的上角。The TV station's name appears in the corner of the screen.电视台的台名出现在屏幕的角上。Hold on tight when we go around the corner.我们转弯时大家都要抓牢扶好。Moore took the corner.穆尔发角球。I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel.我悄悄地设法解开了包裹的一角。As I sat in a shadowy corner, I observed a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.坐在一个暗角落里我观察到他的嘴慢慢而逐渐地伸长。The ladies’ room is just around the corner.女厕所就在拐弯处。At parties, he always stands in a corner and tries to look inconspicuous.在聚会上他总是站在角落里,尽量不惹人注意。From the corner of his eye Barney saw the sea of faces upturned toward him.巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那么多的面孔朝他翻转过来。The drugstore is kitty-corner from the bank.药店在银行的斜对面。Football fans gathered around the TV in the corner of the bar.足球迷们聚在酒吧角落处的电视前。He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage.他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里。She knew there was a gas station just around the corner. 她知道转弯处就有一家加油站。




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