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词汇 坚持
例句 The mill was started up with scab labor.罢工期间有人坚持上工,使得工厂重新开始运转。Be a man! Stand up for what you believe.做个男子汉!坚持你的信仰。I would never have won if my friends hadn't encouraged me to keep trying.如果不是朋友们鼓励我坚持下来,我决不会获胜。Until the cold snap I hadn't turned on my heating for months.坚持了数月,直至寒潮期到来才打开供暖设备。It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it.可能要试几次,但还是值得坚持的。In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.尽管有病在身,他仍顽强地坚持工作。The church has broken the agreement, by insisting all employees must be practising Christians.教会坚持所有雇员都必须信奉基督教,这一做法破坏了协议。She ignored her advocate's advice and insisted on giving evidence herself.她不理睬出庭律师的建议,坚持自己作证。The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready.英格兰银行坚持只有条件成熟才会降息。He has never swayed from his decision.他一直坚持自己的决定,从未动摇过。They continued to affirm their religious beliefs.他们坚持维护他们的宗教信仰。The punishment must always fit the crime.必须始终坚持罪罚相当的原则。She sticks to the principle that everyone should be treated equally.坚持一视同仁的准则。His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble.他的父母还是坚持这个错的想法,以为他的常识会让他避开大的麻烦。The movie's director insisted on total fidelity to the book. 这部电影的导演坚持影片要完全忠实于原著。He saw the project through to the end.坚持到这项工程完工。Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.但是德国坚持对进口波兰煤炭加以限制。We insist on the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel.我们坚持酒店要达到最高的清洁标准。My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.我对自己权利的坚持终于获得了回报。I wanted to buy him dinner, but he insisted on paying his own way.我想替他支付晚餐费用,但是他坚持自己付钱。I'd been vegan for a long time.坚持严格吃素已很久了。She adhered to what she had said at the meeting.坚持她在会议上说过的话。The party must stick to its beliefs.党必须坚持自己的信仰。His perseverance was rewarded: after many rejections, he finally found a job.他的坚持有了回报:多次被拒之门外后,他终于找到一份工作。Stick firmly to your guns.坚持自己的主张,不要让步。He is most insistent regarding this point.他在这一点上最为坚持They insist on full withdrawal as a precondition for any cease-fire.他们坚持把完全撤军作为停火的前提。He offered to get the check, but I insisted on getting it myself.他提出要付账,但我坚持自己付。Family members insisted it was okay for me to cry.家人们坚持觉得我哭没什么不对。The secret of dieting is to keep at it.节食的秘诀在于坚持Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.桑德拉一心一意要当医生,她的坚持没有白费。Schultz appeared in public again on Wednesday to protest her innocence and deny any wrong-doing.舒尔茨周三又公开露面坚持她是无辜的,否认犯了任何过错。You know what he's like about food - thou shalt not serve red wine with fish.你知道他对饮食的那些坚持吧——在吃鱼时千万不要佐以红酒!He was going ahead defying all difficulties.他不顾一切困难坚持干下去。She says she'll hang in until she makes the business work.她说她会坚持到生意正常运行为止。His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持Ed was talking about dropping out of school, but Mom and Dad put their foot down.埃德讲到要退学,但爸妈坚持不同意。The government has soldiered on as if nothing were wrong.政府装作没有发生什么乱子似的,依旧在坚持着。I think we should stick to our original plan.我想我们应该坚持我们最初的计划。Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.克莱尔在会上坚持她自己的立场,即便在迈克尔生气后也决不退让。




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