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词汇 坚实
例句 After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more.在海上呆了几星期之后,脚下再次接触坚实土地的感觉真棒。Use firm, ripe pears, not ones that have gone mushy.坚实成熟的梨子,不要用烂熟的那种。I am determined to build on this solid foundation.我决定在这个坚实的基础之上继续努力。We now have a firm foundation to build on.我们现在有了一个坚实的发展基础。This agreement laid a sound foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.这项协议为两国将来的合作打下了坚实的基础。We will then have a firmer foundation of fact on which to build theories.那么我们便有了可以建立理论的更坚实的事实根据。The boat seemed to bump against some solid object.船似乎撞上了某个坚实的物体。The course gives students a solid foundation in the basics of computing.这门课程可为学生的计算机知识打下坚实的基础。He was determined to give his family a secure and solid base.他决定给家人一个牢固坚实的生活基础。She shook hands in a mannish way, her grip dry and firm.她像个男人似的握了手,坚实而又有力。I was glad to get off the plane and back on solid ground.我下了飞机,回到了坚实的地面,感到很高兴。New packing materials are being evolved which are light and strong.轻巧而坚实的新包装材料正在试制出来。The clay is solid but malleable.黏土虽然质地坚实,但仍具有延展性。The snow compacts and forms a solid layer.雪变得很坚实,形成坚硬的一层。France made a solid but unspectacular start to their World Cup preparations.法国坚实而低调地迈出了备战世界杯的第一步。This principle forms the basis of the country's economic policies and will provide a firm basis for future development.这条原则是制定国家经济政策的基本依据,同时也将为国家未来的发展打下坚实的基础。There is a lot of sound science behind it.这背后有着很坚实的科学性。This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on.这块湿地不够坚实,不能在上面走。The cell walls of plants are of a rigid structure.植物的细胞壁构造坚实He had a vague impression of rain pounding on the packed earth.他隐约记得雨点打在坚实地面上的情景。There was no strong organizational base on which to build.缺乏一个坚实的组织基础。We were glad to be back on terra firma after our bumpy flight.在经历了颠簸飞行后,我们很高兴返回到坚实的陆地。She has a good solid background in management.她在管理方面具有坚实的背景。Be sure to select firm, unblemished fruit.一定要选坚实、无斑痕的果子。The first two years of study provide a solid foundation in computing.前两年的学习为计算操作打下坚实的基础。The ground beneath us, however, appears solid and unchanging.然而,我们脚下的大地却似乎是坚实而恒久不变的。It was good to feel solid earth under my feet again.再次踏上坚实地面的感觉真是太棒了。A solid phalanx of armed guards stood in front of the castle.城堡前站列着整齐坚实的武装卫兵方阵。A concrete foundation was poured after digging down to firm ground.挖到坚实的地面后浇水泥地基。The trucks packed the snow on the highway.卡车把公路上的雪压得很坚实The old snow has compacted into the hardness of ice.雪堆积久了变得像冰那样坚实The plastic was chosen because it is very hard and durable.选择塑料是因为它坚实耐用。These policies give us a solid base for winning the next election.这些政策为我们在下次选举中获胜打下了坚实的基础。A series of articles and television shows publicized concerns that the chemical Alar, used to keep apples red and firm, could cause cancer.一系列文章和电视节目都反映了民众的普遍担忧,就是用于保持苹果红润坚实的丁酰肼这种化学物质是会致癌的。The solid ground rocked beneath us.我们脚下坚实的地面剧烈晃动起来。The ground had been impacted by many people walking across it.因为走过的人多,地面被踏得坚实了。After such a rough voyage we were glad to reach terra firma again.我们经历了那么巨大的风浪颠簸之后,很高兴又登上了坚实的陆地。The assumption is well grounded in the box office receipts.这个设想以票房收入为其坚实后盾。His face was weathered but had firm skin tone.他有一张饱经风霜的脸,但皮肤仍很坚实有力。The company has a solid customer base. 这家公司拥有坚实的客户基础。




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