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词汇 研究领域
例句 What exactly is your field of study?你的具体研究领域是什么?She is a pioneer/leader in the field of genetic research.她是遗传学研究领域的开拓者/领军人物。Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field.每盘磁带的撰稿人都是其研究领域的专家。It's very important for students to keep up to date with developments in their own field of study.学生要掌握自己研究领域中的最新发展,这是非常重要的。There's a lot of new ground being broken in the field of genetic research.基因研究领域有许多创新。Students need not confine themselves to a single area of study.学生不必将自己局限在单一的研究领域She has established primacy in her field of study.她确立了自己在她研究领域中的主导地位。Researchers are pushing back the frontiers and opening doors to reveal why things happen and how things work.研究人员正在开拓研究领域,使得认识世界万物发生的原因和机制成为可能。This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.这个发现开辟了一个全新的研究领域Her interest in art led her into the field of art history.她对于艺术的兴趣促使她涉足艺术史的研究领域We've reached a new milepost in the field of genetic research.在基因研究领域我们已经到达了一个新的里程碑。Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.在接下来的几年里,他作为一名宪法研究领域最杰出的学者而声名远扬。Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.文艺复兴时期的艺术并不是他的研究领域——他的专业是现代艺术。The specific software is also usable in other areas of research.这种特别设计的软件也可以用于其他研究领域They fund research in areas like information technology.他们为信息技术这一类的研究领域提供资金。Students may be required to undergo an oral examination in the subject and field of their dissertation.学生们可能要就他们学位论文的研究方向和研究领域方面进行口头答辩。




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