例句 |
I slept soundly right through the night.我整晚都睡得很香。I went to bed early and slept like a log.我早早上了床,睡得很香。The baby slept soundly all night.宝宝整晚睡得很香甜。He found Jean asleep, heavily sedated.他发现琼睡着了,睡得很香。After a long day of skiing, I slept like a baby/log last night.滑了一天雪之后,我昨晚睡得很香。Nick was lying on the sofa, fast asleep.尼克躺在沙发上睡得很香。I slept very soundly, thank you - the bed was really comfortable.我睡得很香,谢谢你——这床真舒服。After a good night's sleep I feel fighting fit again.昨夜睡得很香,我又觉得自己精力充沛了。 |