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词汇 着脸
例句 His mother wept bitterly and his father sat grim-faced.他母亲泪流满面,父亲则坐在椅子上,铁青着脸Dr Radhy waves a straw fan at his face as he examines the child in the sweltering morning heat.拉德海医生一边用蒲扇扇着脸,一边在上午闷热的天气中给孩子作检查。He took the dose down with a grimace.他苦着脸吞下了那服药。She aimed a blow at him, which he parried, covering his face with his arm.她想重击他,而他用胳膊遮着脸,架开了她的攻势。Don't come crawling to me for help later if you aren't going to listen to me now.要是你现在不听我的话,以后可别觍着脸来求我帮忙。The girl's face puckered with pain.女孩痛得皱着脸He burst into the room with a face like thunder.他黑着脸冲进房间来。




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