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词汇 真想
例句 I was so angry I wanted to clock him.我很生气,真想狠狠揍他一顿。Sometimes I die to tell him about it.有时,我真想把这件事告诉他。I would really like living here if it wasn't for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery.要不是那几帮孩子弄得我们日子不得安宁的话,我还真想住在这里。I was so relieved I could have kissed them all.我开心得真想把他们亲个遍。I'd love to stop and talk, but I'm pressed for time.真想停下来聊聊天,但我的时间太紧了。He raged on about how he had a good mind to resign.他还在大发脾气,叫嚷着真想辞职不干了。She always looks so slim – I wish I knew her secret.她看上去总是这么苗条。我真想知道她的秘诀。I'd like to give him a good kick in the fanny!真想狠狠踢他屁股一下。I hate my work. Sometimes I feel like throwing in the sponge.我不喜欢我的工作,有时真想撒手不干了。I'm so frustrated I could scream! 我沮丧透了,真想大喊大叫!Feel free to leave early if you're so inclined. 如果你真想早点离开,那就随你的便吧。I was so mad I felt like smashing his face in.我愤怒极了,真想把他的脸给打扁。A lot of things had to be unlearned before you could learn anything at all.真想学到点什么,先得抛掉许多过去学的东西才行。If you really want to sell, price your house sensibly and be ready to make a deal.真想卖的话,给房子定下合理的价格,准备好交易。My finger itched on the trigger-guard.我的手指发痒,真想打开保险扣动扳机。Won't I just give him a pasting!真想狠狠揍他一顿! I'm so mad I could throttle her!我气疯了,真想掐死她。The experience was so terrible he just blanked it out.这次经历太恐怖了,他真想忘掉它。I'm so in love I want to shout your name from the rooftops.我太爱你了,真想对整个世界大喊你的名字。It's all Helen's fault. I could strangle her!都是海伦的错。我真想勒死她!I just wanted to throw myself into his arms and cry.真想扑到他怀里大哭一场。If I wanted to get really picky, I could go on and on.如果我真想吹毛求疵的话,我就会一直挑剔下去的。You're going to have to clean up your act if you're serious about keeping your job.要是你真想保住工作,就得改邪归正。I could kill you! I swear I could!.我想杀了你!我发誓我真想杀了你!It's tempting to believe her story.真想相信她的故事。My brother's going to China this week. I'd give the world to be going with him.我哥哥本周去中国。我真想和他一起去。He was so happy that he wanted to shout it from the housetops.他乐得真想让每一个人都知道这事。I wanted to kill the morons who had gathered around me, gawping and pointing.真想杀了那些蠢人,他们就围在我的身边,盯着我指指点点。I could have wept thinking what I'd missed.想想自己错过的这一切,我真想大哭一场。If you really want to teach your son a lesson you should hit him where it hurts and take away his cell phone.你要是真想教训你儿子,就该触到他的痛处,拿走他的手机。If you really want to know, I'm fed up with this stupid job.如果你真想知道的话,那就是我受够了这愚蠢的工作。He stayed where he was, not because he really wanted to, but out of inertia.他待在原地,不是因为真想待在那里,而是因为懒得动。He wasn't really interested in buying anything when we went to the store; he was just along for the ride.我们去商店时他只是跟着去凑热闹,并没真想买东西。If you truly want to help, just do as I say.如果你真想帮忙,就按我说的做。I'm dying for a cup of coffee.真想喝杯咖啡。You can achieve anything if you really want to. The sky's the limit.只要你真想做,任何事都能做成。凡事皆有可能。The work just keeps on piling up and makes me want to scream.工作不断堆积起来,让我真想尖叫。If you do want to go, please let me know.如果你真想去的话就请告诉我。The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.这种紧张我再也忍受不了,真想大声尖叫。I wanted to take him in my arms and shower him with kisses.真想把他抱在怀里,不停地吻他。




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