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词汇 难做
例句 The sledding gets tougher every year in this business.干这一行的生意一年比一年难做It is difficult to keep up to date with all the developments.难做到掌握所有最新发展动向。It's difficult not to judge people sometimes.有时很难做到不批评人。It's so difficult to cut even a couple of scenes from a play without losing some of the story.一个剧本即使只是删一两个场面,也很难做到不丢失故事情节的。It's difficult for teachers to switch off when they go home at night.当老师的晚上回到家里之后很难做到不去想工作的事。Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.防蚊叮咬好说难做It's hard not to sympathize with the plight of single parents in today's world.在现在这个世界上,很难做到不去同情单亲父母的困境。When he feels he's been insulted, he finds it hard to forgive and forget.当他感到自己受到侮辱时,他发现很难做到既往不咎。It's a really difficult decision.这确实是个很难做的决定。It was hard to be civil when I felt so angry.我当时那么生气,很难做到彬彬有礼。It was difficult to be honest without seeming to criticize.难做到既真诚又看不出是在批评。It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.我对任何事情都很难做到满不在乎。It's hard to be objective about my own family.涉及我自己的家庭时,很难做到不带个人感情。Sometimes it's hard as a parent to practise what you preach.有时父母很难做到躬行己说。It's hard not to overindulge at Christmas.圣诞节期间不大吃大喝是很难做到的。The store was in for difficult sledding.这家铺子肯定会生意难做了。It's two years since I've seen Iain. I'm still trying to wean myself off him but it's hard.我已有两年没见过伊恩了。我试图让自己不再去想他,可很难做到。Teachers have a tough row to hoe in today's schools.在如今的学校里,老师们的工作很难做Work has been fairly murderous lately.工作最近相当难做It's hard to think objectively about your own family.涉及自己家庭时,你很难做到不带个人感情。Adults need to live their own lives and that's difficult with children.大人需要过他们自己的生活,但有了孩子就很难做到了。There were some really hard questions in the exam.考试中有一些很难做的题目。It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.我很难做到既兼顾工作,又达成做个好父亲的愿望。The project was difficult, but we kept at it and eventually it was done.这个项目很难做,但我们一直坚持,最终完成了。The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.法官认为这项法律过于模糊,执法起来很难做到公平。




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