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Many parts are now made from plastic instead of steel, making cars lighter and more fuel-efficient.现在许多汽车部件都用塑料取代了钢,使汽车更轻更省油。This car fits the bill perfectly. It's cheap and gets good mileage.这辆汽车很合适,既便宜又省油。I rent a subcompact when I'm travelling alone because it saves on gas.我独自一人出行时会租一辆超小型汽车,因为省油。The new car is much better on gas mileage.这辆新车更省油。The car is a sight less expensive and has better gas mileage.这辆车便宜得多,并且更省油。The car gets good gas mileage.这辆车很省油。The company is making smaller, more economical cars. 这家公司正在制造小型的、经济省油的轿车。 |