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例句 The drug is available in several forms, and dosages vary accordingly.这种药有几种形态,服用剂量也相应不同。Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.房子供应减少,但需求没有相应减少。The downside is that losses can be correspondingly large.不利的一面是损失可能也相应非常巨大。Offenders should be punished in proportion to the gravity of their offences.应按罪行严重程度给予罪犯相应的惩罚。The figures were calculated with no adjustment for inflation.计算数据时没有根据通胀做出相应调整。The prime minister should be able to make a decision without having to explain all the whys and wherefores to a bunch of journalists.相应该可以作出决定而不必要向一群记者解释原因。An order this size means scaling up our production capacity.一份如此规模的定单意味着我们生产能力的相应扩大。They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.他们意识到自己有些价格高于竞争对手,就相应调整了价格。Your insurance group classification changes when you buy a bigger car.如果购买的车辆车型更大,保险类别会相应变化。A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷一次骰子,玩家可相应向前移动。As demand increases, we'll see a correlative increase in price.当需求增加时,我们会看到价格也相应增长。If your employment status changes, your tax code will be adjusted accordingly.如果就业状况改变,你的免税代码也会作相应调整。Throws of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷骰子后,玩家可相应向前移动。Demand for coal is down and so are prices.煤的需求下降了,煤价也相应下跌。There was a growing consensus that the Prime Minister should resign.越来越多的人认为首相应该辞职。The figures were calculated with no adjustments for inflation.计算数据时没有根据通胀做出相应调整。They have broken the rules and will be punished accordingly.他们违反了规定,将会受到相应的惩罚。The employer is liable for compensation payable in consequence of injury to one of its employees.由于对一名员工造成伤害,雇主有责任给予相应赔偿。A corresponding amount of income will be left unspent.相应数额的收入将留着不用。Japanese real wages have not yet increased commensurately with the wealth of Japan.日本人的实际工资并没有随着国家财富的增加而相应增长。Their reputation has improved, bringing a corresponding increase in revenues.他们的信誉有了改善,收益也相应增长。Investment in the railways will bring a corresponding improvement in services.对铁路的投资会带来服务的相应改善。The removal of American nuclear forces brought a corresponding withdrawal of Russian troops.美国撤除核力量以后,俄军也相应撤回。Price will be raised in proportion.价格将相应提高。The consensus of opinion seems to be that the Prime Minister should resign.看来舆论一致认为首相应该辞职。Each investor will receive a pro rata share of the profits. 每位投资者都会拿到相应份额的利润。A big fall in steel productivity caused a corresponding decrease in profits.随着钢铁产量的大幅度滑落,利润也相应下降。Dealers have already got wise to the trend and increased their prices accordingly.交易商已经摸清了动向,相应抬高了价格。The increase in demand caused a commensurate increase in prices.需求的增长导致了价格的相应上涨。Those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.那些通过暴力行径攫取权力的人应该受到与他们的严重罪行相应的惩罚。Audiences' expectations are ratcheted up as they are exposed to high-budget productions.观众看过高成本影片后期望会相应上升。




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