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词汇 盛行
例句 The style of dress is now in full operation.那种衣服式样现正盛行He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself.他也许会对新思想的盛行感到高兴,但他本人并没有为此作出多大贡献。Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。The custom has prevailed for decades.这风俗已盛行数十年。These customs still prevail in remote areas.这些风俗在偏远地区仍然盛行In the heyday of big cars nobody cared how much gas cost.在宽大型轿车盛行的日子,没人在意要花多少油费。Dissension and improvidence reigned.你争我夺和挥霍浪费之风盛行At that time, this brand of liberalism reigned triumphant.那时,自由主义的招牌盛行It is a superstition-ridden community.这个社区迷信盛行Bribery and corruption permeated the government.政府内贿赂盛行,腐败成风。So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?我们的社会已变成一个以自我为中心、实利主义盛行的社会了吗?It is natural that superstition should prevail everywhere in barbarous ages.在荒蛮年代,迷信的到处盛行是很自然的。At that time aftershave was not in vogue.那时须后水并不盛行The game only started to flourish in Europe during the middle ages.这种游戏在中世纪才开始在欧洲盛行The reign of civil disorder and terrorism culminated in armed insurrection.社会动乱和恐怖主义的盛行终于引发了一场武装起义。Crime flourishes in conditions of deprivation.贫困会导致犯罪盛行Different doctrines prevail at different periods.不同时期盛行不同的教义。Poetic drama was in flower in Elizabethan England.诗剧在伊丽莎白时期的英国盛行Vegetarianism is on the increase in Britain.素食主义在英国越来越盛行Christianity still flourished there, despite the official state doctrine of atheism.尽管官方宣扬无神论,但基督教在那里仍很盛行This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.这反映了社会盛行的态度和价值观。Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.习以为常的种族歧视在英国社会盛行,外来移民工人发觉自己都在做非技术性工作,社会地位低下。Anti-Semitism is in full swing in the Arab world.在阿拉伯世界里,反犹太主义盛行其道。She hated the modern credulous popular faith in occult powers.她讨厌时下盛行的因轻信产生的对超自然力量的迷信。Rumours about an impending divorce were rife.即将离婚的传言盛行The old customs are still very much alive in this region.这些旧习俗在这一地区仍很盛行They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s.他们在六十年代盛行的自由气氛中长大。Trade partners had become more widespread.贸易伙伴关系已更加盛行The prevailing current flows from east to west.盛行洋流是自东往西流动的。In the South Sea Islands, infanticide was universally practised.在南太平洋诸岛,杀婴习俗曾广为盛行This is a very popular style.这是一种十分盛行的风格。He found campus theatricals all the rage.他发现校园戏剧活动盛行This negative attitude is surprisingly prevalent among young boys.奇怪的是,这种消极的态度在男孩子中很盛行Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty.中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行The popularity of ballet rapidly waned.芭蕾舞很快变得不那么盛行了。This custom prevails over the whole area.这一习俗在整个地区盛行We tried to take advantage of the prevailing south-westerly winds.我们设法利用盛行的西南风。The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds.由于西风盛行,这个城镇很凉爽。




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