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词汇 cookies
例句 I had an upset stomach after eating all those cookies.把那些饼干全吃了以后,我的胃很不舒服。We layered the fruit with whipped cream and served it with cookies.我们往水果上涂了搅打奶油,然后和曲奇饼一同食用。Take these cookies and share them out.把这些饼干拿去分给大家吃。How do you get your sugar cookies so thin, Dagmar?达格玛,你是怎么把甜饼干做得这么薄的?I'd like to have your recipe for cookies.你能不能告诉我制作小甜饼的方法。She got out the cooking stuff to bake some cookies.她取出炊具烤了些饼干。P&G applied for a patent on its cookies.宝洁公司为它的饼干申请专利权。If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen.如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。Let the cookies cool down before you try them.让曲奇冷一冷再尝。The cookies were rich and spicy.这些小甜饼油多味香。He could detect a trace of cinnamon in the cookies.他能从饼干里尝出一丝肉桂的味道。Although Internet browsers do allow users to disable cookies, doing so can make it difficult to view certain sites.尽管因特网浏览器确实允许用户禁用小甜饼,但这样做却会使其难以查阅某些网站。I kept my own secret hoard of chocolate cookies in a big tin under the sink.我在水槽底下偷偷藏了一大罐巧克力小甜饼。These cookies are made without flour.这些饼干不是用面粉做的。Store the cookies in an airtight tin.把饼干储存在密封罐中。She got out the cooking things to bake some cookies.她把烘焙用具拿出来做烤曲奇饼。When he mowed her lawn, she paid him in cookies. 他帮她修剪草坪,她给了他曲奇饼当报酬。He slid the plate of cookies toward her.他把一盘小甜饼朝她滑过去。Girl Scouts went around the neighborhood selling cookies.女童子军队员在居民区内挨家卖饼干。I am partial to baking cookies.我喜欢烤制小点心。The cookies should be uniform in size. = The cookies should be of uniform size.饼干应该大小一致。The cookies are made to a secret recipe.这些小甜饼是根据一个秘密配方做的。We'll eat some of the cookies now and keep some for later.我们吃一部分饼干,再留些以后吃。Here's a recipe for healthy cookies that always goes over big with kids. 这是健康曲奇饼的做法,这种曲奇饼总是大受孩子们欢迎。She powdered the cookies with confectioners' sugar.她往小饼上撒糖霜。I have a sneaking suspicion that those cookies aren't really homemade.我暗自怀疑那些饼干并非真是自家做的。We gobbled up the cookies between gulps of coffee.我们一边大口喝着咖啡,一边狼吞虎咽地吃饼干。Adam, could you hand around the cookies?亚当,你能分发一下饼干吗?We flavored the cookies with cinnamon.我们往曲奇饼里加了肉桂。These cookies are very crunchy.这些饼干非常脆。We gorged on chips and cookies.我们狼吞虎咽地吃土豆片和饼干。You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides.您不仅可以品尝各种烘烤糕点,还可以带很多饼干回家。Don't fill yourself up with cookies.别吃太多曲奇饼。This recipe makes about two dozen cookies.按此食谱可做大约两打曲奇饼。Be sure to save some cookies for your sister.一定要给你姐姐留几块饼干。After eating a whole plate of cookies, I felt sick.吃了一整盘曲奇饼后,我感觉想吐。She put a batch of cookies into the oven.她把一炉曲奇饼放入烤箱。I will bring some homemade cookies to you tomorrow.我明天给你带一些自制饼干。The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.孩子们特别高兴的是,曲奇饼足够他们每个人分到两块。Wow, you two really scarfed those cookies up.哇,你们俩真的把这些曲奇饼都吃掉了。




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