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词汇 盗贼
例句 The witness was unable to give/provide a description of the robber. 目击者无法描绘出盗贼的模样。Robbers ransacked the apartment looking for money.盗贼在公寓里到处翻找钱财。The burglars cleaned out the shop.盗贼把商店洗劫一空。Poverty made him a cracksman.贫困使他变成了盗贼The bars are to provide security against break-ins.这些铁条是为了防止盗贼进入。A have-a-go hero who attempted to stop thieves stealing a car was killed after the robbers ran him over.为阻止盗贼偷汽车,见义勇为的英雄被盗贼开车碾死。The thieves cut a hole in the fence.盗贼在篱笆上割了个洞。The burglars bound the family's wrists behind their backs.盗贼把全家人的手腕反绑起来。The police immediately gave chase to the robbers.警察立刻出动追捕盗贼The thief struck while the family were out.盗贼趁这家人外出时下了手。James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the burglars.詹姆斯在和入室盗贼搏斗时嘴部挨了打。One box was chained down but the thieves still took it.一个箱子用链条拴着,但盗贼还是把它搬走了。The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house.盗贼肯定是故意触发了报警器,然后躲在房子里。The thief ran away when the policeman arrived.警察到时盗贼已逃之夭夭。The thieves escaped in a stolen vehicle.盗贼驾驶一辆偷来的车逃跑了。The robbers tore apart the house looking for the money.这些盗贼为了找钱把房子翻了个底朝天。The thieves used an inside man at the factory.盗贼利用了工厂里的一个内线。They inflicted serious injuries on the two burglars.他们使两名盗贼身受重伤。Ever since the house was burgled, she has had burglars on the brain.自打房子遭夜盗以来,她脑子里总摆脱不了盗贼He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.他扑向盗贼,为夺取武器与之搏斗。The mountains were infested with robbers.山里有大批盗贼出没。Intruders had entered the house through a back window.盗贼从后窗闯入了住宅。Police believe the burglar got in through the kitchen window.警方认为盗贼是从厨房的窗户爬进来的。The witness wasn't able to describe the robber.目击者无法描述出盗贼的模样。The dogs will soon see off any burglars.这些狗会立即把任何盗贼赶出去。The burglars wore rubber gloves to guard against fingerprints.盗贼戴著橡皮手套以防留下指纹印。Burglars had already struck twice that week in their street.那个星期盗贼已两次光顾了他们那条街。The robbers hopped into a waiting car and made a clean getaway.盗贼跳上一辆等候的汽车,逃得无影无踪。The thieves deliberately triggered the alarm and hid inside the house.这伙盗贼故意拉响了报警器,在房子里躲了起来。The thieves got a lot of loot in the robbery.盗贼们盗窃了很多赃物。Check your house for weak spots where a thief could get in.检查一下你的房子,看是否有什么地方盗贼能轻易闯入。Burglars looted cash and mobiles from a shop in Tagore Town.盗贼从泰戈尔镇上的一家商店里偷走了现金和手机。The burglars have been arrested but the jewellery is still missing.盗贼已被捕,但珠宝仍下落不明。The thieves then wended their way through the dark back streets to the docks.盗贼们鬼鬼祟祟地穿过黑暗的后街向码头走去。The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he came to himself he was lying alone in the dark.盗贼们把他打昏,当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在黑暗中。The stores had to cope with a plague of burglaries.商店不得不设法对付盗贼之灾。Thieves often consort together.盗贼们通常都朋比为奸。He preferred a charge against the robber.他控告那名盗贼The thieves escaped undetected through a basement window.那些盗贼从地下室的窗户神不知鬼不觉地逃走了。Two robbers broke into her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.两个盗贼闯进了她的家,把刀架在她的脖子上,抢走了她的积蓄。




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