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词汇 喝醉酒
例句 Her boyfriend got drunk and beat her up.她男朋友喝醉酒,把她狠狠地揍了一顿。The streets were filled with drunken revelers on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,大街上到处都是喝醉酒的狂欢者。When Jim gets drunk, he always cuts loose.吉姆喝醉酒后总要发酒疯。He made a fool of himself by turning up drunk to a TV chat show.他因喝醉酒后参加电视谈话节目而出尽洋相。Drunken football fans rampaged through the streets.喝醉酒的足球迷在街上横冲直撞。He was sacked for being drunk in the office.他因为在办公室里喝醉酒被炒鱿鱼了。He always starts cursing when he gets drunk.他总是一喝醉酒就开始骂骂咧咧。The law defines drunkenness as a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood.法律上界定喝醉酒是血液中有一定比例的酒精含量。His jaw was broken while he tried to wrestle with a drunken bus driver.他和一个喝醉酒的公共汽车司机扭打纠缠时,下巴骨被打碎了。It's against the law to be drunk in public.在公共场合喝醉酒是违法的。The waiter threatened to chuck us out of the restaurant if we got drunk.侍者警告说如果我们喝醉酒,就把我们撵出饭店。He had an unfortunate habit of getting drunk and behaving badly at parties.他有一种不雅的习惯,就是在聚会上喝醉酒,举止失态。It wasn't the first time he'd broken a promise not to get drunk.这不是他第一次违背不喝醉酒的诺言了。Getting drunk is a thing all young men do.喝醉酒这种事所有年轻男人都会有。He was sacked for being drunk.他因为喝醉酒遭到解雇。Mrs Morel loathed her husband when he was drunk and violent.莫雷尔太太对丈夫喝醉酒脾气变得火爆的样子深恶痛绝。He was giggling like a drunken idiot.他咯咯发笑,像个喝醉酒的白痴。The airline fired him for being drunk.航空公司因为他喝醉酒把他开除了。She hated Morel because of his constant drunkenness and his violent temper.她恨莫雷尔,因为他经常喝醉酒,脾气火爆。Drunken troops ran amok in the town.喝醉酒的士兵在镇上撒野。I'm all for people going out and enjoying themselves, as long as they don't drive when they're drunk.我完全赞成人们出去玩玩,只要他们喝醉酒以后不要开车就行。!Some Leeds players had drunk stupidly and misconducted themselves.利兹队的一些球员愚蠢地喝醉酒、作出不当举止。A quarrel between drunken women is an unpleasant spectacle.喝醉酒的女人吵架是个丑恶的场面。They were always getting drunk and raising Cain.他们总是喝醉酒后大吵大闹。Maybe she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.也许她喝醉酒是为了忘却痛苦的往事。He was killed by a drunken driver.他被一个喝醉酒的司机撞死了。




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