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词汇 conviction
例句 Nor did his denial carry conviction.他的否认也一点都不能使人信服。Her words carried conviction.她的话令人信服。Mel put on a smile, but it didn't carry much conviction.梅尔强作笑颜,但一看就知道是装出来的。There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.没有足够的证据来定罪。His conviction was a tragic/grave/gross miscarriage of justice.对他的定罪是可悲的/重大的/严重的误判。His licence was suspended after a drink-driving conviction.他被判定为酒后驾车后被吊销了驾照。An appeals court later reversed the conviction.上诉法庭随后推翻了这一判决。This was his third conviction.这是他第三次被判罪。When he first asked her to marry him, he hadn't done it with any conviction.最初向她求婚时他的态度全无把握。The conviction may bring a sense of closure.这个判决也许让人觉得事情画上了一个句号。They need strong evidence to secure a conviction.要想定罪,他们需要强有力的证据。It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。The statement said, in substance, that the conviction was completely unfair.陈述的内容实质上是说这种定罪完全不公平。It was his firm conviction that every effort should be made to preserve world peace.他坚信应尽一切努力维持世界和平。He overturned the conviction, saying the defendant was entrapped.他声称被告是被诱骗犯罪的,从而推翻了有罪的判决。This was her third conviction for theft.这是她第三次被判犯盗窃罪。His performance was woefully short of conviction.很遗憾,他表现得一点儿都不坚定。He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.他称他的谋杀罪为错判,因而进行绝食抗议。The court overturned the conviction against her.法院推翻了对她的判决。The court vacated the conviction.法庭撤销了这一有罪判决。The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.上诉法院撤销了对他的判决。His words lacked conviction.他的话缺少说服力。The conviction that led to the execution was flawed.据此执行死刑的判决存在瑕疵。Nothing could shake her conviction that she could not be beaten.她深信自己不会被打败,什么都不能动摇她的这一信念。What they lack in talent, they make up for in conviction.天赋方面的不足,他们用信念来补偿。He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.他认为有很多被告通过声称精神失常而逃脱定罪。A reward is offered for information leading to the conviction of the attacker.悬赏寻找可将攻击者定罪的信息。The conviction of their son's murderer gave them a sense of closure.杀害他们儿子的凶手被定罪让他们了却了一桩心愿。Keeping this information from the jury could result in a wrongful conviction.对陪审团隐瞒这一信息会导致错误的判决。His conviction was reversed by the US Supreme Court on a procedural technicality.对他的定罪被美国最高法院以存在程序上的技术问题为由推翻了。His supporters claim that he is an innocent man and that his conviction was a miscarriage of justice. 他的支持者声称他是无辜的,他的定罪纯属误判。The Appeal Court judge said that his conviction was of dubious legality.上诉法庭的法官说,对他的判决是否合法值得怀疑。He had a strong personal conviction about the power of the printed word.他个人坚信印刷文字的力量。It was an alliance of convenience, not of conviction.这是一个基于利益而非信任的联盟。The court overturned his conviction.法庭撤销了对他的判决。He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction.因为是初犯,他得以轻判。He will appeal against his conviction.他将对他的有罪判决提起上诉。The judges concluded that the conviction was unsafe.法官裁定,此项定罪证据不足。They have a shared conviction that some unkind fate or chance is keeping them apart.他们一致坚信是无情的命运或机缘让他们难成眷属。They share my strong/firm conviction that the policy is misguided.他们和我一样深信这项政策被误导了。




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