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词汇 converse
例句 The conference gave me an opportunity to meet and converse with VIPs in relaxed surroundings.这次会议让我有机会在轻松的环境中与重要人物会面并交谈。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live, and the converse is also true.你的谋生方式将决定你的居住地点以及生活方式,反之亦然。It is the only way in which man can converse with nature on an equal footing.这是人类能够平等地同自然神交的唯一方法。They need our help, but the converse is also true: we need their help as well.他们需要我们的帮助,但反过来说也是对的:我们同样需要他们的帮助。However, the converse of this theory may also be true.可是,该原理的逆命题也有可能成立。At home we often converse in Spanish.我们在家经常用西班牙语交谈。In the US, you drive on the right-hand side of the road, but in the UK the converse applies.在美国汽车靠右行驶,但在英国却正好相反。One must also consider the converse case/problem.人们还需要考虑相反的情况/问题。I actually believe that the converse of your last statement is true.事实上我认为你最后一句话要反过来说才对。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true.一个人的谋生手段对于其居住地的选择和生活方式来说有着至关重要的影响,反之亦然。His political views are the converse of mine.他的政治观点与我的相反。The two deaf actors converse solely in signing.两位聋人演员完全用手语交流。She enjoyed the chance to converse with another French speaker.她很高兴有机会与另一位说法语的人交谈。He knows enough German to converse with the locals.他掌握的德语足以与当地人交谈。




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