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词汇 to proceed
例句 Are you sure that you want to proceed against your neighbour over such a trifling matter?你是不是肯定就为这么点小事而起诉你的邻居?I will instruct my lawyer to proceed with the preparation of draft contracts.我会通知我的律师开始准备合同的草稿。They are holding firm on their refusal to proceed.他们坚持反对继续前进。It will be necessary to proceed with caution.小心进行是有必要的。The path was narrow and we had to proceed along it in single file.那条小路太狭窄,我们不得不成单行行进。How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can.老师应该鼓励孩子尽可能地去做。The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can, and when he is stuck, ask for help.老师应该鼓励孩子尽量自己去做,遇到困难时,寻求帮助。That's not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different.以此方法进行并没有错,只是有些与众不同。The best way to proceed is by a process of elimination.继续进行下去的最佳方式是实行淘汰制。This project cannot be allowed to proceed.不能让这个项目再进行下去。I had an idea how to proceed, but I wasn't confident that I could do it.我对如何继续进行略知一二,但没把握我能做到。They threatened to proceed against him.他们威胁要起诉他。This perfect control made their sliding safe and allowed them to proceed to the powered airplane.这种完善的操纵机构,使他们能安全滑翔并进一步制造有动力装置的飞机。After inspecting the house, the couple decided to proceed with the sale.检查完房子后,这对夫妇决定继续出售。They'll never agree on how to proceed.关于如何进行下去,他们永远也不会意见一致。If you wish to proceed to the MA,be sure to inform the university of your choice.如果你想攻读文学硕士学位,务必通知你所选择的大学。Everyone at the meeting was of like mind about how to proceed.与会者对会议如何进行看法一致。They gave him careful instructions on how to proceed.他们详细指导他该如何进行。We have been advised by the legal team to proceed cautiously.法律小组奉劝我们谨慎行事。In any inquiry,be careful to proceed on right principle.在任何调查中,应注意按照正确的原则行事。The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。We may not be able to proceed as planned.我们可能无法按计划进行了。I am not sure how to proceed.我不知道该如何进行。It may be wise to proceed cautiously.谨慎行进或许是明智的。After searching it, police allowed the lorry to proceed.警方搜查卡车后,允许其继续前行。We're looking to you to advise us on how to proceed.下一步怎么做,我们希望你能给我们提点建议。They fully recognize the need to proceed carefully.他们充分意识到继续谨慎行事的必要性。He asked for authorization to proceed with the plan.他请求批准继续推行这个计划。Sobs were heard to proceed from her bed.从她床上传出呜咽声。They have to proceed at a measured pace.他们不得不小心谨慎地继续前进。She decided not to proceed with the treatment.她决定不再接受治疗了。The policeman gestured for us to proceed.警察做手势示意我们向前走。He proffered advice on how best to proceed.就如何最好地进行,他提出了建议。The government was determined to proceed with the election.政府决心继续进行选举。There is insufficient evidence to proceed against Mr McLean.起诉麦克林先生缺乏足够的证据。Let's have no ifs and buts, I'm determined to proceed with the plan.我们别再找托词了,我决心要将计划进行下去。There is no valid reason to proceed with the change.没有继续这种变革的正当理由。It gives a clue as to how to proceed.它给出了如何继续下去的提示。It might be wise to proceed cautiously.谨慎前行也许是明智之举。




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